Reviews for aftermath
the lola chapter 1 . 3/5/2013
I like relationships focusing around the war, it really interests me to see different scenarios that could have occurred. So yeah, even though not a lot happened here it was a well-written moment and I liked how fiery Pavarti was and then how she just went soft for Zach.
WeasleySeeker chapter 1 . 3/4/2013
I quite like this pairing, and I think you've shown a lot about their dynamic in so few words, which is pretty impressive for such an unusual pairing.

I've never like Zacharias, and I'm not surprised that he'd do something like that... good for Parvati to be angry with him! So yeah, spot on for characterisation. I really like that Parvati can't stay angry with him, though - after all the destruction of the war, I'm sure she'd appreciate having Zacharias there, no matter what he's done. He doesn't deserve her :P

Lovely writing, and I really like your style!
keeptheotherone chapter 1 . 2/19/2013
Good for Parvati! Someone needed to tell Zacharias off, even if he does make a decent apology :) Great job packing emotion in a short piece.
whirlwinds of watercolours chapter 1 . 1/30/2013
Even though Zacharias and Parvati isn't one of my favourite pairings, I like their interactions from after the war. We don't see much of their personalities in canon but you really made them shine through here. Good job!
The Crownless Queen chapter 1 . 1/27/2013
Nice. They seemed to be both pretty much IC to me, an I really liked this couple :p Abandoning everyone duringthe battle seems just like Zachariah. And I love the end :p Good work!
alverixorcustransfrogamorphus chapter 1 . 1/26/2013
I've never actually read these two before as my Parvati ship is Parvati/Dean but I can see these two working out in a way. This seems exactly like the sort of thing that Zacharias would do. We see in the books that he's a disbelieving wimp and that really comes out here and I kind of like the idea of him abandoning everyone in the battle. I do like that Parvati forgives him though, it shows how much she loves him. Great job here!

Keep up the amazing work and DFTBA!
burning happiness chapter 1 . 1/26/2013
This was an
ProfessorSquirrell chapter 1 . 1/21/2013
I love how she can't stay too mad at him. I think you've kept both of them very in character here. Zach being cowardly and Parvati being a spitfire. And even though they're totally different I could see how they would work together. The ending was kind of nice. Not fluffy and not exactly /happy/ but promising. Cute
Forever Siriusly Sirius chapter 1 . 1/17/2013
Huh, never read Zach/Paravati before :P (My latest random fetish is dean/parvati, thanks to Nayla.) I like how she forgave him for being a coward, and I love how instead of abandoning him like he did her, she chose to stay with him. Brilliant :)
silver-nightstorm chapter 1 . 1/17/2013
Oh, I loved your portrayal of Parvati here! And your Zach was very in character but understandable too so well done :) I really liked the last line, with Parvati not being able to believe he actually said what he said :)
slightlysmall chapter 1 . 1/11/2013
I really like this. I can picture the whole thing happening, and Parvati definitely seems IC. I like that she gives in at the end, a little bit, once he admits that he made a mistake and was a bit of a coward. This is a great glimpse into their relationship and you say a lot in the few amount of words you used. Great job!
Fire The Canon chapter 1 . 1/8/2013
Very nice :) I love the pairing. I have a fascination with both of the Patil twins for some reason. They're some of my favourite minor characters (not a fan of Zacharias, though).

In saying that, this pairing was good and you've kind of sold me on it now :)
Ralinde chapter 1 . 1/5/2013
Zachary'd better be watching his back when the other DA members find out. Parvati changed moods a bit too quickly, but other than that, well done.
lowi chapter 1 . 12/30/2012
Ooh, I love this, Jess. You know I like Zachvati already, but I adore the way you wrote them here - just as I would imagine them, and the ending made me smile despite it all. :')

Brilliant work!
mew-tsubaki chapter 1 . 12/13/2012


I've been waiting for this for a while, and I really am glad I waited. It's soooo sweet. X33

I mean... Zachvati here reminds me of the sunset outside. 2 contrasting colors-blue and orange-fight to occupy the same space...but they meld into each other. The barriers come down. (And now I wish I'd saved sucha description for a fic. XD)

I like this different kind of scene following the war. They're usually so heavy-handed, but this was light and enjoyable, though I appreciate that you still include some severity. I love that moment where he looks over her head. :') Oh, Zach...! X0

Parvati should've yelled at him, no doubt. But he's bloody lucky to have her, for how she was able to rein in her temper. I predict marriage and babehs now, kthxbai. -w-

They're both nicely IC here, too, though I looove the little "and Zach can't help but smile." One of the first smiles following so much evil in the war...

Thankies for finishing this! *insta-fav*

-mew! -w-