Reviews for As Far As the East Is From the West (I Am From You)
triquetralin chapter 1 . 12/16/2012
Aww! I haven't read the original, but this was adorable! Love the brackets, by the way.
Rocky Oberlin chapter 1 . 12/15/2012
Beautifully done. I was crying 3/4 of the way through at how well you had written the emotion of it.
Mokuren no Ken chapter 1 . 12/15/2012
That was soo sweet! I loved it so much I had to Google the fairy tale, but I loved this rendition!
PCJanto chapter 1 . 12/15/2012
Meridas chapter 1 . 12/14/2012
Utterly sweet and perfect. I especially loved the interludes about Ianto's time with Jack, falling in love with both the Bear and the Prince seperately and together. You've coined one of my new all-time favorite lines for Ianto: "Ianto thinks of betrayal, of love. He thinks of which is stronger, and walks on." Almost hauntingly perfect. I love the style you used - reminds me of 'A Forever Thing', when the one or two-line breaks are so powerful. Absolutely wonderful. Thank you so much for this :)
Cerabrax chapter 1 . 12/14/2012
So, I love this story. I love the original, the novel EAST, the Greek version, the every version you care to name. This one shot is epic. Just so you know. It is amazing and glorious and astounding and and and I don't even know what. Dare I ask if you've ever entertained any more fairy tale ideas? Or will that give you some?
Um, I also had a thought after reading some Harry Dresden Files fics. Ianto claims to know everything. Ivy is the living embodiment of all written human knowledge and actually knows everything. Can you see my immediate thought? This doesn't have to go anywhere, I just love your work the most out of all Torchwood authors and so give you the above.