Reviews for Fallen
simsic chapter 11 . 6/15
very good story , i had lots of fun reading this
PristinelyUngifted chapter 11 . 6/14
So exciting to see this picked up again!
kuriboh1233 chapter 11 . 5/28
I hope you pick up FanFiction again cause this story is gold.
NazgulBelserion chapter 11 . 5/2
Man I miss this story
Garuda1178 chapter 11 . 4/21
ALEXANDER ANDERSOOOOOOOOOOOON! Now unfortunately or fortunately depending on your perspective, the only Hellsing I'm familiar with is Team Four Star's Hellsing Abridged, thereby to for, any and all mannerisms for those folks will be attributed to them.
Tiwa Vol chapter 11 . 4/14
I'veread this 3 times now and all i can think is "Harry is a complete and utter idiot"
darksnow515 chapter 11 . 4/4
i love it,

some one should pick it up and finish it,
RedB chapter 11 . 3/29
At first, I was sceptical about the story as I have not watch buffy however I found out that I really like the story and it was hilarious how the others misinterpret everything harry did. It was really good. Hope you find time and inspiration to continue this story.

Have a good day and stay safe.
b6076b6076 chapter 11 . 3/27
Update soon please.
Gensplejs chapter 11 . 3/24
please update
StoneTheLoner chapter 1 . 3/21
Wtf? You made him old and instantly negated it like a moron. Doesn't look it and mentally is still a teenager. What was the point besides being useless backstory that changes nothing?

It's annoying. I thought the mc would be a little different but you rubbed our faces in the fact that he isn't. He isn't older, more mature or even different (Older) looking. It's a generic Harry from a generic world. This bugs me more than it should :/
BomeranG chapter 1 . 2/15
It's incredibly amusing how easy it is to match Harry's story to sound like it's Lucifer's.
Guest chapter 11 . 1/23
This was funny asf
XichVu chapter 11 . 1/7
This story has lots unnecessary crack scene, but the ideal overall is good
user51s2r chapter 1 . 12/18/2019
This story is so fun to read that it actually made me sad when I reached the end.

1000 author/muse hugs!
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