Reviews for I Have Missed You
sheetah chapter 1 . 2/22/2015
Really liked this little story. Keep it up! :)
Darth Solus chapter 1 . 5/22/2013
I've read many of your stories, but I think this is my favorite of all of them. I'm a softy at heart, even when it comes to Voldemort and Bellatrix, and you have played out here what I always wished would happen between them. This is strangely beautiful and haunting.
hervissa chapter 1 . 3/7/2013
I can't write this review from my profile because I've already reviewed on this fic.
But I just have to comment it once again.
I could read it every day and yet, it would be still as amazing as it was when I first read it.
It's one of the best Bellamorts I have ever read.
And I just love it. For Voldy's tenderness, for the unbelievable Bellamort atmosphere which only you can create so perfectly...
I don't have enough words to describe it :)
If I could print it and put it on my wall, I would most probably do it, just so I could read it every night before sleeping :D
I hope that even after 20, 30 years I will still love it as I do now.
Please, keep writing, because you are one of the best writers EVER ;)

hervissa :)

P.S. Did I mention that your profile is freaking awesome? :D
whirlwinds of watercolours chapter 1 . 1/30/2013
This is the rare side of Voldemort which we don't see often even in Fanfiction but you managed to portray it really realistically and kept both characters in character. Good job!
silver-nightstorm chapter 1 . 1/29/2013
Oh, I really loved this! It's a strangely sweet insight into their relationship and they way you portray it - with Bella still being very scared despite the fact that Tom seems to be willing to let her do what she wants - is very fitting for the two. Amazing job :D
slightlysmall chapter 1 . 1/28/2013
Strange to see tenderness from VDM. But your writing is beautiful as always, and Bellatrix, at least, is spot on. I like that she elicited a moment of tenderness from him, that you hint about VDM actually /caring/ about her. It's a great take on a pairing you write so much.
alverixorcustransfrogamorphus chapter 1 . 1/27/2013
Awww, this is sweet. It's nice to read a bellamort where Voldemort isn't as dominant as he normally is over Bellartrix and shows some genunine affection. I love how Bella is really shocked at what he's doing but Voldemort is content with doing it because he had missed her so much. I know that this word doesn't really apply to Bellamort but it was really cute :)

Keep up the amazing work and DFTBA!
The Crownless Queen chapter 1 . 1/27/2013
Gosh this was wonderful :p I totally wish it had been longer ;) i found Bellatrix very IC (at least to me) and though it may have been a bit weird to read about Voldemort sort of having feelings, I found this really realistic and I loved it anyway, so... :p
Great job!
AmzyD chapter 1 . 1/27/2013
Wow, a softie Voldemort yet still in character! I liked this, but my brain kind of went "does not compute" at certain parts but nonetheless, this was written really well, your descriptions are beautiful and you depict both characters perfectly
Armontentia chapter 1 . 1/27/2013
AJHGGDSAGS this was beautiful, just slwiqva fangirling over this one-shot so much, I absolutely adore it!
burning happiness chapter 1 . 1/26/2013
Interesting piece, I found it very solid. I think that both characters seem very true to themselves in the books, but it was a side to Voldemort and Bellatrix alike that we never see. Awesome fic.
ProfessorSquirrell chapter 1 . 1/26/2013
I think this is the most romantic Bellamort I've ever read. It's so odd but still absolutely gorgeous. I loved this line - "...the practiced, half-true answer that she had long since learned was the only proper response to the question what do you desire?" because it's just so truuuueee! And the way he calls her out on lying is wonderful. Love this.
Fire The Canon chapter 1 . 1/26/2013
I really enjoy the way you write this pairing. I always look forward to it hehe. You keep them both relatively in character, yet add a touch of romance to it. This was well written. Great job!
autumn midnights chapter 1 . 1/24/2013
This was a really interesting look at Voldemort. I never thought of him acting this way, and yet he still seems pretty in-character, because he isn't using words like 'love' or anything like that. I can actually kind of see this, and I don't even ship this pairing much. I really like your characterization of Bellatrix, also - she's really well-written here, and I think she's totally in-character. I like it being set after Azkaban, as I've always wondered how Voldemort reacted to her afterwards, since she was one of the few who went to prison for him. Spelling and grammar were fantastic as always, and it was very well-written. It was kind of cool to see almost-fluffy-ish Bellamort :P Nice work!
Forever Siriusly Sirius chapter 1 . 1/17/2013
Ahh yay some Bellamort :) I love how he wanted her still, after all these years, my favourite line was 'I have missed you, Bellatrix," he murmured. "Believe me when I say that I have"

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