Reviews for Lose the Attitude
Caroliny Hotchner chapter 2 . 8/15/2019
Gostei muito
Caroliny Hotchner chapter 1 . 8/15/2019
duda bela cullen chapter 2 . 7/19/2019
Adorei sua história
Greatcorals23 chapter 2 . 1/8/2018
I would really appreciate if you ignored all the rude motherfuckers in the world, Bc this story is truly amazing , like it honestly is and you amazing an amazing writing style and I love this I feel like you embodies them to the T, this was so good I live all your stories don’t let anyone tell you differently
Guest chapter 2 . 6/18/2017
cute story
Suzanna chapter 2 . 12/11/2016
I don't understand how Hotch can be grounded to Rossi's for whatever amount of time - he has a family, of which he's the dad. He has a son who needs him to be there when he's not working, and Hotch bonding with Rossi for weeks at a time, but not being deprived of movies or anything doesn't seem like a punishment as much as a vacation from adulthood. And it punishes his family - the boy and his other caretakers - for something they have no control over. A bachelor being grounded to 'Dad's' place I can understand. But not a family man. Especially if being fed by Dad and watching movies with Dad is part of it.
lilyflower101 chapter 2 . 3/24/2015
Love it! :)
Guest chapter 2 . 6/18/2014
He actually got ten swats :D
Guest chapter 1 . 6/16/2014
You have a lot of grammar problems
anonymus chapter 2 . 8/2/2013
More Criminal Minds stories, please, they are amazing. I love that constellation Hotch /Rossi and Hotch/Reid.
linda chapter 2 . 5/9/2013
Love your stories. you make the porple really come to life
123Notme chapter 2 . 4/4/2013
They had a nice emotional scene in the end. It was a nice story, thanks for posting.
123Notme chapter 1 . 4/4/2013
Spanked at the office with everyone listening! Awesome! I felt for Notch, but I laughed throughout.
chgkfdgfgfkjghjfy chapter 2 . 12/19/2012
I loved it. So sweet. It's really hard when you get the 'trolls' about the spanking, I've found that they comment no matter what we warn them. Try to just overlook them, easier said then done though
NCISCMFAN chapter 2 . 12/19/2012
I want to know what Reid did to get switched.
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