Reviews for How to Defend Against the Home Invader, Claus
haldirflet chapter 1 . 6/24/2016
Merry Crack Christmas!
That was the best...oh the tears...barely can catch my breath...
Write more...pplleeeeeaaaaase :)))))))
Amiee chapter 1 . 1/18/2016
Awesome story - made me laugh out loud and embarrass myself in front of people. Love the Blame it on the Vodka story line - you should do one shots like this every now and again - miss them. Imagine what April Fools Day with Loki would be like lol? Or Halloween craziness? You are really great writer - don't stop please - want more more more please?
Ruby of Raven chapter 1 . 7/7/2014
Ha! XD That was great! It was simply amazing!
Kathryn Claire O'Connor chapter 1 . 6/20/2014
Reindeer games indeed! This is adorable!:)
Guest chapter 1 . 3/5/2014
My god this was freaking funny with l these characters in a comedy routine. I love how you potrayed Santa clause to Loki. Make more stories with all of them please.
EagleJarl chapter 1 . 3/1/2014
That was fun. And I can totally see Loki and Thor doing that. And the exact expression on Tony's face. Thanks for this.
Trubie74 chapter 1 . 1/30/2014
This is pure gold. Best holiday fic. Ever!
SheWhoWalksUnseen1902 chapter 1 . 12/10/2013
Omg. I'm going to die of laughter! This is hilarious. I'm so dunked out with giggles right now.
alynawatlovers chapter 1 . 12/4/2013
definitely funny. :) I love it!
GrounderPrincess chapter 1 . 10/3/2013
You have no idea how much I love your Vodka story and this one-shot. I'm terribly sorry for not reviewing the other chapter fic but I couldn't stop at the end of each chapter to leave a review.
The entire time i was reading it, my sister kept asking me while i was smiling and giggling, and she just didn't understand! Lol.
This was cute. I love the coupling of Darcy and Loki and ugh.. i just want more! Haha.
Artificial Life Creator chapter 1 . 5/23/2013
So, I'm /assuming/ Darcy was sitting next to a control panel with her taser at the ready to launch into JARVIS' circuits?
AlienTourist chapter 1 . 5/13/2013
Thank you so much for writing this! This was HILARIOUS.
Ikurus chapter 1 . 3/25/2013
Love it.
Thank you for writing and sharing this.
Reader-anonymous-writer chapter 1 . 3/23/2013
Darcy laughed until tears squirted from her eyes. "That was mean," she finally said, wiping at the moisture in her eyes. Loki grinned at his woman. "It was too irresistible to pass up." Darcy snorted more laughter. "Serves him right. You should totally take Thor and crash his place on Christmas Eve, claiming that the evil Claus had just barely escaped." Loki's eyes lit with unholy mischief. This was why he loved his woman. "That is simply a wonderful idea. Warn Pepper, please."
Good day, good night, and good luck.
muddlingthrough chapter 1 . 1/20/2013
Ah, Love that Vodka!
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