Reviews for Sins of the Father
Guest chapter 10 . 5/29/2018
This story is cool but you freiza has a power level of 1,000,000 in his second form. In his forth form he has 2,700,000 so his 100% form has 270,000,000
The DC chapter 21 . 7/11/2017
A fine story this is.

Now, as a direct address to Riddle Wraith, because I feel this warrants a public and openly-visible response as to what authors should NOT do. There comes a point where one no longer becomes constructive, and instead become downright detrimental. I cannot believe what I read. Yes, there are grammar mistakes, but there are several reasons that grammar mistakes happen that can occur. One of my favorite stories was an error-ridden mess by an author who suffered a severe brain injury from a car accident. He told his story fine.

At this point, your review is not constructive as much as it is destructive; filled with all kinds of "I'm just being honest but I have OCD" whatever malarkey you decided to propose as a pathetic justification. I can't believe I had to login after god knows how long because of your despicable behavior. Aspiring authors reading this: Do NOT be like Riddle Wraith. You can guide and offer assistance without needing to berate and humiliate.
Riddle Wraith chapter 4 . 2/8/2017
Since I've already reviewed the last chapter, I'm reviewing on this one though I haven't read it. I just want to say that while I do like the idea here, you've got too many words spelled wrong and too many words replaced with things that don't make any fucking sense for me to want to read this anymore. It's like sorting through a child's diary trying to decipher it. Sorry, but if English isn't your first language I suggest you study it more before writing in it. If it IS your first language then I honestly feel ashamed for you. Go back and study it again in either event. It will obviously help you. Also, I would suggest getting a beta reader and learning how to phrase things better as a lot of your phrasing was awkward too. I'm not going to apologize for being an asshole here, because while I admit that I could have been nicer with the phrasing of my review, it isn't in my nature to sugarcoat things or to be nice just for the hell of it. I'm not a nice person but if I like your shit or if I find errors that need correcting, I'm going to tell you either way. Yes, I do like this story. Yes, I do want to read more of it. The problem is, I have severe OCD when it comes to writing in proper English, i.e. I'm a really bad Grammar Nazi. What this means is that I literally can't read through something with so many mistakes without getting irrationally angry about them. It gets to the point where I can't read the story without seeing every mistake and that really retracts from the reading experience and I know I'm not the only one who thinks that. All in all, thanks to my stupid mental problems I can't properly enjoy something unless it has minimal mistakes. Seeing you replacing words with words that just don't belong goes so far beyond my usual annoyance that if I could use annoyance to fly, I could have flown to the moon and back by now. Anyway, I hope other people read your story and are less bothered by the mistakes that I found. I hope they enjoy it at any rate, even if I can't read any more of it myself.
Riddle Wraith chapter 3 . 2/8/2017
Now, I don't know if you meant to do it or not, but about halfway though this chapter you put the word Ventriloquist in place of what should be something more like psychic or mind-reader. Those aren't even remotely the same so I can only guess that autocorrect went wrong on a different word you were trying to put there or something. Right after that, you've also used doppelgangers in a place that should say brothers. Raditz and Goku are not doppelgangers as they don't look that much alike. Goku's true doppelganger would be Turles, who as far as we know doesn't have any relation to Goku yet still carries his exact appearance minus the skin tone. When you find someone in the world who you look a lot like and yet aren't related to, that is a doppelganger.
Guest chapter 21 . 1/18/2017
Whooo, I just binge read this entire story-it's great! Hope you continue it eventually.
Sailor Dragonball 87 chapter 21 . 7/17/2016
Great story! I love your vocabulary! I have suggestion for this story when you get back to it. I think Goku and Raditz should meet up with Gohan, Tien, and Bulma on Namek! They can all unite against Frieza (except Bulma, because she dosen't have any powers)! Please reunite the Son family!
Sailor Dragonball 87 chapter 15 . 7/17/2016
Listen to the voice, Goku, LISTEN TO THE VOICE!
Sailor Dragonball 87 chapter 11 . 7/16/2016
What happened to Goku? Is he going to come back to the side of good? Is he losing his mind? He was just talking to a corpse like Ducky on "NCIS"! What will happen when he runs into Chi-chi and/or Gohan?
Guest chapter 10 . 5/14/2016
This was a interesting chapter also how do u write a fanfiction plz tell me
Super Vegetarott chapter 14 . 5/13/2016
This chapter was EEHHHH
Blake2020 chapter 21 . 5/1/2016
Wow cool and please update this story in 2016 if possible?
Blake2020 chapter 20 . 5/1/2016
Blake2020 chapter 19 . 5/1/2016
Wow poor Goku and raditz
Blake2020 chapter 18 . 5/1/2016
Wow man that's shocking
Blake2020 chapter 17 . 5/1/2016
epic chapter
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