Reviews for Finite Incantantum
DodgerTheJollyRoger chapter 31 . 1/9/2019
ludwig is a hoe
Guest chapter 15 . 5/26/2015
I really love the story so far. It has the right amount of dark but without being too saturated with it. I always wondered in a bit of fan examination what it would be like if the two kingdoms in the Mario universe had got into a serious war and your well written story slowly fills that curiosity. I will definitely check out your other stuff. There were a few grammar errors but that is completely understandable. I also like how you (without even having it as is ) protray the koopa side as humans but then put it together in a way that gives the back story (the war) more depth and without going to the cheesy "all are humans blahaa" a.u. like in many of the fanfics sometimes see. I am enjoying the story! Keep up the good work! I'd like to see some from other games/anime, what have you that is written in this fashion. :)
A chapter 45 . 8/28/2014
OMG. I swear u should be a perfeshanal.
A chapter 39 . 8/28/2014
O.m.g this. Chapter. Amazing!
A chapter 33 . 8/27/2014
Abslutly adore this chapter...
Fanfic Retiree chapter 4 . 2/8/2014
OMG I'm loving this story... I just have been noticing one tiny detail that bothers me... Daisy's eyes are blue, not light brown. Ha ha, that's all. Other than that, this story is practically perfect!
Fanfic Retiree chapter 1 . 2/1/2014
Oh ha ha when you said copper hair I thought it was Daisy...sorry!
te.nellis chapter 57 . 1/6/2014
Depressing end to a depressing story figures
te.nellis chapter 49 . 1/5/2014
I am noticing a recurring theme of Ludwig making himself out to be some savior when he does jack shit for anyone but himself besides insulting them and saying how he is saving their ass after bowers has maimed and raped them. I would not be surprised if Luigi is Bowser 's next victim. I admire your dedication to writing but come on one can only take so much bullshit from a nobody character like Ludwig.
Vex97 chapter 56 . 11/23/2013
Wow. Just, wow. What an amazing story! The best one I've ever seen, about the Mario Franchise at least, and I would love to see a sequel, heck, I bet there isn't one person that read this story who doesn't want a sequel.
Guest chapter 57 . 11/20/2013
Will you please inform us the approximate date you believe you will upload the first chapter of the sequel?
Guest chapter 57 . 11/14/2013
Omg! I love this chapter! When will the first chapter to the sequel be up!? I need it! I literally cannot wait until the sequel starts.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/13/2013
Do you think you'll have the sequel up by tomorrow? Cause I reallllyyyyy need to read it! Love luigi and daisy 3
Guest chapter 57 . 11/13/2013
Omg when will the first chapter to the sequel be up! I need to read it! I LOVE the luigi and daisy scenes
The Undisputed Edge chapter 57 . 11/13/2013
I'm really happy to hear that we all get to hear much more from your epic story,

Thus far i'm loving the setting, especially the Luigi and Daisy segments, they are my favorite. The layout of the story so far is looking good. Its good to hear from our dear friend Peasely once again, really well set out.

I was wondering what happened to Daisy's special maid friend, i forgot the name sorry ... Nobody knows what happened to her exactly, I really would like to hear on that.

The whole thing was good, but the very last sentence wasn't really necessary, I want Luigi's relationship with Daisy to be even stronger, that's what makes this such an AWESOME story. Beside that little thing, you are spot on with the whole setting.

One more thing my good friend, I was wondering if you will be mentioning Tanya in the following chapters. I really want to see the confrontation between both Luigi and Tanya especially now that Daisy is with Luigi.

As always my friend thank you so much for the wonderful chapter and for replying to my review, really brought up a big smile on my face :)

Keep up the good work and hope all your study goes well ...

Till next time, your good pal:

Cool water :)
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