Reviews for Bleeding Hearts: A Drabble Series
Guest chapter 4 . 1/27/2019
I cried.
Lirileth chapter 7 . 7/2/2014
This is my second time mourning Neji: first in the manga and now in the anime. I've never cried so hard as I did when I read this story. You did such an excellent job. I can't even describe what I want to say, only that I am utterly impressed.
Caramelized chapter 5 . 1/24/2013
definitely prompted a tear from me.
Simple phrases are really produce an impact..
"you know where to find me"
i think that's where I lost it...
this sort of reminds me of a post I read on tumblr that was tagged as nejihina. I'm a nejiten, but I have to say the idea was beautiful and heartwrenching, and it can be interpreted as a brother-sister thing too.
this chapter and that idea combined to make my heart clench.

amazing job.
eyes-of-azure chapter 4 . 1/19/2013
All these chapters are so beautifully well-written and capture Tenten's thoughts perfectly. Nejiten's love will last for eternity. I especially loved Chp 3 with Lee telling the story of the Moon and Sun. It was beautiful and so moving. I look forward to more!
OnceUponAPrettyGirl14 chapter 4 . 1/15/2013
I can't believe how much I love your fic, please keep going. And thank you for making this beautiful Nejiten moments for all of us Nejiten fans!
OnceUponAPrettyGirl14 chapter 3 . 1/15/2013
Oh Gof this chapter was so beautiful! I wish I've been this creative to write a story!
FruitySmell chapter 4 . 1/15/2013
All of your stories made me shed tears. You are amazing. -sniff-
xD chapter 3 . 1/13/2013
Reading his while listening to the lord of the rings ost of the Shire... tearbending man :(
love your drabbles :)
shimmeringbluelight chapter 3 . 1/8/2013
LOVE this chapter... Indeed they are like the sun and the moon... This chap is reminiscent of a certain Broadway song, which I will dedicate to our OTP, NxT :) And yes, LONG LIVE NejiTen.

You are sunlight and I moon
Joined by the gods of fortune
Midnight and high noon
Sharing the sky
We have been blessed, you and I...

- Sun and Moon (Miss Saigon)
Luafua chapter 3 . 1/8/2013
Oh dear, I told myself not to cry reading this and I ended up crying anyways... good job :)
steenta112 chapter 3 . 1/8/2013
steenta112 chapter 2 . 1/8/2013
Ah, you're killing me... so sad and tragic... :(
Caramelized chapter 3 . 1/8/2013
This one brought tears to my eyes once I figured out Lee was the one narrating.
I honestly can't express how beautifully this was written.

amazing job. can't wait to read more feels C:
Senti chapter 2 . 1/4/2013
I love i hope you will make drabble there Neji and Tenten will have a happy ending like have a child or funny drabble about jealous Neji or about Neji side of things like he thought that Tenten doesnt love him and loves him just like friend or brother .
Guest chapter 2 . 1/2/2013
Tenten's my fav female character in the whole manga, but for Kishi, she's just a character he created out of necessity, as every genin team needed a female member, and let's face it, Kishi always made the girls the weak links in all four teams. I imagine that team Guy had to be nerfed down, cause they were overpowered compared to the others in the early manga.
Kishi thinking: 'Let's see, I made Neji a genius, whose stronger than Sasuke, made Lee whom I used to kick Sasuke's and Naruto's ass, and I wrote Guy's line say he was stronger than Kakashi. Shit, I made this team three leagues stronger than Team 7, but if I make the third member weak who always needs rescuing that will degrade it enough. Of course I need to keep team Guy in the back most of the time, too.'

With great pain in my heart I say that I'm so done expecting Tenten to actually do something on screen in the manga after the whole Bashosen skipping. Not that the anime had done a 'so much' better job...
Same goes for Tenten's 'reaction' to Neji being dead...Sure, something still 'could happen' that would give Tenten the spotlight, but as said, I'm not expecting anything.
Buy killing Neji, Kishi effectively killed off Tenten's chances of being on screen, so why not just kill her off too? That would be the only 'good' way to close Tenten's part with some self sacrificing sceene, telling Hinata to go to hell with her stupidity in the process.
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