Reviews for Who Has Time to be Normal?
TheWonderfulWiccan chapter 1 . 2/21
I love this so much
Lennox13 chapter 8 . 2/4
Piano one seems really, really familiar? But I've read so much, that I might be getting things muddled. And the Alfred angle is cute. I've got the images and events in my mind, and aw, it's so cute! Wally is so excited and hyperactive and enthusiastic, but he is also frustrated and he is quickly realising, with his suddenly much faster brain, that it's not all fun and games. And he gets angry after a bit, and Alfred placates him with sage advice and cookies. Perfect. Awh *blissful sigh*

Because their brains and thoughts are so fast, they're able to learn things easily and pick stuff up. But they also lose it quickly, so they would literally have to renew each language after a few days.

Hehe, Batman would probably have like hidden recorders everywhere, trying to encourage them to speak more around him, so he can make an audio database and start deciphering it all.

Awh, yeah, a twitch would be so fast that it would just look like he'd frozen. Like a meerkat. XD

Oooh, wow, I like that one. I actually think the reason why he acts so 'stupid' or 'oblivious', is because he's already thought like ten steps ahead, and he forgets that not everyone has done that already, so he just skips over some 'givens' or explanations. I guess he would get bored easily as well.

Yeah, that sounds frustrating. Gosh, Barry must have been kind of happy to have someone fast to talk to and interact with who can keep up with him. Gosh, because we all tend to go fast when it's something we feel strongly about, negative or positive, and we do so subconsciously. Whenever either of them gets really angry or really excited, nobody would understand them, and that would either add fuel to the angry-fire or just dose the excited-fire.

That could get dangerous! Running or vibrating in their sleep? They probably dream so fast as well. And then, in their sleep, their powers are basically undampened by insecurities and focus, so they'd be extra fast? Wow, do you think they might have to strap themselves in? Or take a paralysing drug or something? Oh wow, imagine sleep paralysis with a brain that works faster than the speed of light? The other night, I was trapped in a nightmare and aware and I couldn't wake up, and I kept trying to scream and scream and scream, and it felt physically tiring to try to scream, but I couldn't feel or hear the scream, so I knew I wasn't actually screaming and that nobody would come to wake me. Whoo, I can't imagine experiencing that in "relative speed". It felt like an eternity. And although I have some control over my dream, whenever I 'shifted' the dream to a different setting, it would just quickly turn terrifying, like I would get trapped, or people or monsters would approach, or one of my parents would die. It was really horrible. *shivers* I don't usually remember my dreams. Luckily.

The alcohol went from haha, to *sobs* in seconds. Thanks. :(

Hmmh, I like that explanation. I think maybe also the deaths would have affected him, or he would just have gotten tired... But yeah, that's reasonable. Artemis wouldn't have stopped - part of her character is a constant need for redemption (?), not quite the word... acceptance? no, she has something to prove? She wouldn't have just given it up, especially if she knew that her pseudo-family needed her. And there would be no way in hell! No Way, that Wally would leave his friends unprotected if he could help it. I actually take my first statement back since, the more people that died, the more Wally would have pushed himself to be better, to be faster. His loyalty is one of my favourite things about him, and he is more than smart enough to know that his personality is a key part of why a group of mostly moody, broody, too serious teenagers are able to work together. Because they have that joker, that optimist, to keep things light, to keep things seem not as bleak. Ugh, this is why I feel the bubbly character is so essential to any serious team. Sokka, Lance, Leo, Beast Boy from the OG TT, to name but a few. Someone needs to lift the spirits when times get tough - that's like a completely separate superpower. I'm envious of people who are able to inspire smiles - they are the best kinds of people. I miss Wally...

Ah yes! I always thought that was such an underutilised drawback. Like some people actually have the superpower to make things explode! Yeah, he gets a bloody nose in YJ, but even then, it's a good last resort-type power to have.

Awh, shame. I love when people actually stop and think about the repercussions of the powers. Yes, fast healing, but like when he broke his arm, it's not instantaneous, and his muscles would probably always be inflamed after missions. Especially if he doesn't eat soon after.

Yeah, especially if he came close to dying even with all the right chemicals or whatnot. They don't have the chemicals, they won't get superpowers - a complete fluke on his part, he probably now realises - they would just be dead.

I can just imagine that scene! It happens in 'Misplaced'. (I haven't read any comics, so I'm just firmly rooted in the YJ universe, so sorry if I muck up canon lore.) And everyone is just like, what?

Awh, that's so cute! Someone inevitably asks him to charge their phones.

Haha. Hahaha. I'm rereading that statement with every ha. Ha! :)

That makes me think of when people ask me if I'm fit. Like jogging, sure; rowing, no problem, but put me on a bike and I die. I also love water - I love waves! - but I can't swim very well. Actually, I can probably just doggy paddle. Yeah.

Haha, he probably has places to stay in every country for if and when he doesn't want to run home. Wait, does DC have like other hero teams as big as the JL? Like an Asia based team? Africa, Argentina, Australia? Like one NZ hero? Heh, well, he probably has really good relations with these teams that must exist, because other places have crime too. Gosh, and then with his memorial, all of these strangers show up. And there are all these stories. And he has different hero identities in different countries to keep the Flash name like politically neutral. And he gets to practice his languages! He crashes in Japan, stays with some ninja and brushes up on his Japanese! And he has a sleep-over in Spain with other pilgrims or something and practices the half a dozen languages spoken by the people currently staying at his favourite hostel. Cute. Thanks for this one!

I like this one. You explain it well. You fall in love with the soul not the shape, after all. I grew up in a very traditional home, but I've read so much and I've watched so much, and people are people at their core. I have fallen in love with so many fictional characters and was it really because they had a certain pronoun? Uh, no. Moving to NZ has also really taught me so much about individuality as well, and I think a relationship is much more about gender or sexuality - it is how that person makes you feel, and the person that it makes you want to be. I'm still confused and a massive introvert so real people still... yeah, but oh well.

Yes! I swear they must get an allowance form BW. They would never be able to afford it otherwise. I don't know what Wally's parents did, but Barry is a forensic scientist(?) and I don't think they pay enough to feed a dozen people's equivalent of a speaker. Actually, who constantly had to refill the cave's cupboards? Because surely Wally raided them as soon as he got home from school.

Hehe, my friend would love him! Gosh, she's so ridiculous sometimes - when I told her I could handle spice, she made it her mission to test my 'white' tastebuds. I have yet to fail. ;)

Augh, this was perfect! Gosh, I enjoyed this more than I should have, but I love how people flesh out characters. It's truly beautiful and I love your version of Wally. And they're so well thought through and relevant, but some are just gorgeously silly and I love them because it's the in-between moments that truly make up who we are. A person is so much more than just the things you can list or even just find list-worthy. This list is beautiful! And it really set my mind ablaze with 'memories' and ideas and it makes them all feel so real. Good job. Thanks for sharing!
Lennox13 chapter 7 . 2/4
Work can wait.

I love it.

I literally have nothing to say besides that. I mean, I could wax on poetically about how your writing made my toes curl with pleasure. But I just looked at your profile and there are some really angsty things, so I'm excited and I want to save my words for them. But for now, I just giggle quietly and think that I definitely like this idea. And that name! Yes! Perfect! And so original!

And the ambiguity in this fic, and all of the snippets before, is what I love! I love how there is more enough space for me to play with my imagination and fill in the blankets. It's perfect in its potential. Love it!

I'm definitely giving those fics a look over. Well, I've started "Rogue's Status" a few times... eh.
Lennox13 chapter 6 . 2/4
Oh wow! Gorgeous writing! It just came to life and moved! Amazing!
As for Story wise? No plot, just feels. Ow, ow, ow.
Beautiful. Perfect. Thanks for the update!
Lennox13 chapter 3 . 5/16/2019
Woah. That last bit... Beautiful.
Repetitive Redundancy chapter 4 . 2/29/2016
All of these stories are so beautiful and insightful. I love your take on Wally and his interactions with those close to him.
Keep writing! I'll be eagerly awaiting the next chapter!
Brie45 chapter 3 . 8/9/2015
Love take on wally
Grimhufflepuff chapter 3 . 2/22/2015
I'm really liking your compilation. The Snow Mountain scene was my favorite, but I really like this one too. I like stories of Wally going out there and being awesome, even when no one else knows it. There really aren't enough of those. Maybe you should try big brother Wally next? To Conner or Robin? Just like, doing something to watch out for them without them knowing? That would be awesome. But meh, I'm just thinking out loud. I'm sure whatever you come up with next will be cool and new so either way... looking forward to your next chapter (scene? It doesn't really count as a chapter).
Raven AKA Birdsteeth chapter 1 . 5/10/2013
Guest chapter 1 . 2/2/2013
Awww that's so cute
jenbod chapter 1 . 12/30/2012
its so cute, Love it! but I really want you to finish your other story with Mikey- will he get his voice back, what about his asma and what going to happen while hes captured?

PLease, please finish the TMNT story with Mikey. Your a very talented writer I was drawn to the writing style.
I hope your having a great hoildays.
creamtherabbit77 chapter 1 . 12/30/2012
So cute! Can't wait to read more!