Reviews for A Different Jutsu: Part One
Guest chapter 21 . 6/8
So let me get this straight. You had Naruto's godfather give Sasuke Naruto's inheritance? Why? Because you want Naruto to worship Sasuke and suck his dick, right? Heil Sasuke right? Gotta give Sasuke what belongs to Naruto because of bonds and shit, right?

Wow are you a pathetic piece of shit. Hope you die, asshole. Your two cent cunt of a mother wishes she aborted you. Do everyone a favor, dickhead. Stick a gun up your ass, and shoot yourself.
Guest chapter 21 . 4/12
Why is naruto such a little bitch this is crying everything the real naruto never cry so easily.
Guest chapter 21 . 4/12
Why is naruto such a little b
Kingkong101 chapter 1 . 10/25/2019
Boring and old
KyuNaruto chapter 10 . 7/30/2019
Alright, that pushed me over the edge. Sasuke can’t unravel a seal like the curse seal. I don’t care what type of power his sharingan has, he does not hold the knowledge to back it up. I don’t give a singe crap. On top of that, something about this story is ticking me off and it just seems... well, off. It feels rushed, wrong, and bad. It’s a good story but at the same time it is missing something vital and essential. On top of that, your almost making Sasuke the main character and your dumbing down Naruto far to much. He gained the knowledge and experience of two ninja, he should NOT be that ducking stupid. Meh, your story though.
KyuNaruto chapter 9 . 7/30/2019
Ok first off, I ikyour story. However, you pissed me off with your father... forceful way at making Sasuke the seal user of the group. Ye sharingan cant actually copy seals, and while it may be able to make them out, he wouldn’t be able to remember it nor understand it, and even then if there wasn’t an active current of chakra flowing through the seal he probably wouldn’t even notice it. On top of that, naruto is the better of the three due to his family line, especially as an Uzumaki. I know this comment won’t change anything, I just wish to state that that one thing pissed me off and made me nearly leave this story and never finish it.
Satanbanana666 chapter 6 . 7/5/2019
Naruto and Sasuke are the same age
kingsj10 chapter 15 . 5/5/2019
I think your story is really but the only failing is that you're focusing on keeping to cannon way too much here. When because ateam is massively stringers things should of changed.
Mckenray chapter 3 . 4/11/2019
By the looks of it bansheerias transgenderias is gonna be treated like shit, I'm in.
Mckenray chapter 2 . 4/11/2019
That's most certainly what anko would do, good job.
Kitsune Obsessed Freak chapter 20 . 4/9/2019
I just realized that Kin Tsuchi means gold Earth. That's a fancy name for a really weak side character that doesn't make it past the chunin exams without dieing
Redhawk29 chapter 2 . 1/24/2019
Did this story have a beta? Because I feel like if some of prose were looked over a little more it would have turned out even better, since the idea is already so neat
readgold2000 chapter 35 . 12/28/2018
This was a good fanfic. However I feel since s-cry-ed was one of the most awesome and underated Anime (in my opinion) that Radical Good Speed and the bullet techniques need to be properly acknowledged. Thanks for writing, but maybe give a shot out to Straight Cougar, the fastest alter alive.
Dude chapter 35 . 12/16/2018
Is anyone gonna train under tsunade? Cos sakura should have, chakra strength plus her speed and armor would be a good combination, add that two nearly perfect healing ability and she would be a real juggernaut. Since she is out of the village though i hope you will at least have someone to train and inherit the skills of tsunade cos that would just be wasted opportunity if your don't, i would have picked hinata to learn pin point chakra control, high level healing, chakra strength and the slug summoning
Dude chapter 35 . 12/16/2018
And what happened to kakashi's "hatake white energy"? The third hokage asked kakashi about it and then it never came up again
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