Reviews for A Nomadic Point of Madness
ALittlePieceOfCherryPie chapter 1 . 6/12/2013
no really though, this was insanity and perfection. I AM A MESS. A MESS. I LOVE YOU.
catclowder chapter 1 . 5/30/2013
That was really interesting. I just read the sequel to this story and saw that it'd be best to read this one first. That was a real interesting turn of events. I was shocked when Bella slept with Jacob and was really shocked when she was showing her thoughts to Edward and he saw those moments. Great story though. Make sure you update the new one soon.
vanelilyskull chapter 1 . 1/1/2013
Bella wins the award for Most Retarded Parent of…Ever. And she's also a psycho. Poor Edward had to get dragged into all this (and Tanya, even).

All in all, like usual, this was amazing. Thanks for entertaining the shit out of me!
Team Moriarty chapter 1 . 12/30/2012
Wow! This is an interesting twist.
I'm genuinely shocked at Bella's ruthless behaviour!
As for Renesmee...woah.
I like this story, a lot, and I hope to see a chapter up soon. :)
Valentine Sinclair chapter 1 . 12/30/2012
. That blew my mind. I mean, it was so deep, so huge. You could literally see how Edward and Bella fell apart, how Jacob tried to heal her-but he wasn't healing her. Was giving her a temporary fix, one that eventually brought upon her doom. I found Bella murdering Jacob to be quite brutal, but it was something I found to be very honest. How many times didn't Bella kill Jacob emotionally during the Saga? It was a work of art.