Reviews for Behind Black Masks
Altairila chapter 32 . 6/5
I absolutely hate the living fuck outta you, hear me out. It’s 2020. And I’ve read a 140000 word story in a day, yes in one fucking day! The only reason I’m not finding you and wringing your neck is because of my love for the tintin Comics. You hook me up to this banger of a story, so perfectly written so well detailed( I’m an author myself and I know how hard it is to do that) all for you to give me an ending so fucking sour? I was fuming for two hours. And to top it all the no sequel part just pissed me off, you put fucking salt in the wound…it hurts. Tintin is my main man and you do him so bad? Damn you cold, Monique is perfect, everything led up to the best ending possible and you do me like this? In all honesty, it was a good story and I felt happy up until the ending. I’m still angry! I cannot express my eagerness to get a sequel…but I understand how hard it is to write. Thank you for this bittersweet ending.
CurlyNerdy101 chapter 32 . 1/31
Great Snakes~!
I read this chapter when it's first rendition came out and then spent the years waiting for the next one. I honestly gave up on a possible finish and then got really sad for a while because I thought someone had abandoned something so precious, like a babe in a backpack in a bin.
THEN... Something started to nag at me yesterday to just go back and check... Make sure there hasn't been an update or anything, or at the very least have a look at some good memories. I saw that the number of chapters hadn't changed, and the last time it was edited was a few years ago, and my heart sank...
Wait, doesn't that say, "Completed"?
I went back to the last chapter to look, and WHAM! You'd updated the last chapter!
I've never been so happy to have eyes, read so fast, tried to slow down my indulgent gobbling as much, because there was this babe we'd all watch grow, FULLY REALISED, fully finished and by God I wish I wasn't so close to my period because my hormones are making me want to cry so badly right now!
It was sappy, it wasn't angsty, it was a perfect finish to a brilliant story, and by all the saints above I'm so glad to have read it.
Thank you for satiating the Tintin thirst we all had. Thank you for sticking with it. Thank you for giving me something engaging to read all throughout high school and university.
Thank you for giving us Monique, and her story in "Behind Black Masks".
Thank you so much PPG. We love you to bits.
AlaskanAppaloosa chapter 11 . 12/8/2018
Hi, so I know you've already finished the story and all that, but I've only recently come across it, and I just wanted to tell you how much I am enjoying it (I haven't even finished it yet 0.0). You have such a lovely, vivid writing style, and an engaging storyline that works alongside my imagination beautifully, so that I can clearly see everything you are trying to portray- it's like I'm watching a movie or something. Plus, I just love the way you depict Tintin as a character; I think you've captured his personality quite nicely.

Anyway, the shortened version of this review: keep up the good work!
Poisonous172828 chapter 32 . 9/21/2017
I read this story yet again and I can hardly comprehend how amazing it is. Every line gives a detailed image, every part of the plot smooth, just AMAZING imagery! I really would love to be able to write like this someday. Where did you learn? School, certain books? Lmk :)
Poisonous172828 chapter 15 . 6/19/2017
They should make this a movie. This is my favorite chapter so far.
Clumsyclutz chapter 1 . 6/8/2017
Better and better every time I read this
Guest chapter 4 . 4/13/2017
I think this is awesome so far!
MehWantsCookies chapter 32 . 1/27/2017
OHMYGOD... I know I am kinda late for reviewing, but I can't believe this story has ended... maybe because I've followed the story and Monique for such a long time(literally years) this feels like a goodbye to an amazing character, an amazing story and an amazing world that you brought to life... Your grammar was impeccable, your writing and style were impeccable and you managed to not only portray all of the original characters perfecly, you made up and enirely new, fascinating and three-dimensional person of whom I'm sure even Herge would approve. This story was a rollercoaster ride from start to finish, and the times and places you described were so detailed and rich in their descriptions that while reading, I had a picture in my haed as if I was looking at a comic. You managed to capture the spirit of Tintin and his world and you made it your own. I literally cried during the last few paragraphs which never ever happens. Everything was so well thought out, and while the ending was kinda bittersweet for me, it still made the story perfect and realistic. Please continue writing, you are absolutely fantastic!
The Otaku Lady Priya chapter 32 . 1/27/2017
Lets face it, not many poeple can actually deal with a not-so-happy ending. Me too. So... where's the sequel! I want one! Wah!

You pulled it off really really great. I meant. Not many can do it. You showed Tintin true to his age (though he is claimed to be in his early 20's in the comics).

Please pull off a sequel- it really got me hooked up! And hey, you write good, ya know? And I smell a good mystery ahead too! *sniffs and then sneezes* Okay, lets leave that work to Snowy and Tintin.

I've added you and your story to my favs! Please make a sequel and if you do, mention it here or somewhere!
Keep up the good work ;)
theskylarksings chapter 32 . 1/8/2017

I am incapable of giving any coherent answers. This has wrecked me in the best possible way. From beginning to end, this story has captivated me. I love Monique, I love her interactions with Tintin and his interactions with her, I love all your interpretations of the characters, I love the work and research you put into this to make it historically and locally accurate, I love everything about this story.

Thank you for sticking with it to the end. I don't think I will ever find another Tintin story to love more. :)
Conejo-sama chapter 32 . 12/30/2016
It would be nice to have a sequel, but I wouldn't mind if the story ended this way either, especially in the way that you drew Tintin and Monique on the page. It was truly an adventure to the end. Well done.

Simply-Laura chapter 32 . 12/27/2016
Sorry for being late!

First, I have to tell you before you uploaded this chapter I asked myself: "Will Monique wear a dress? (as a sign of growing/maturity)...But it doesn't seem like her to wear one. But..I want to see signs of change in her...I want her to wear a dress but I don't GAAAAH!"
And then, I read the beginning of this chapter and was deeply satisfied :D PERFECT!
I loved it when Tintin asked if it's alive xD and how the tension between them drops and rises in a minute, like any couple (I think?)
And Castafiore! Thank you for putting her in this one! Her story is my favourite in the series because of the way she acts xD and your descriotions of her are spot-on! (Monique stepping back to be able to see her :D) and how she forced her to talk to the press. Yup, that's Bianca.
Captain Haddock. You make me love him more and more. I just want to give him a hug for how nice he is (as well as funny in the end :D). Keeping Monique's secret and helping them make up..that was sweet.
I was hoping Tintin would propose in the last chapter, but I like it this way better. He's giving her the chance to know who she is first, and that's very considerate :) even though sad, yet, very sensitive and considerate.

Well done! *claps*

As for your questions in the end, I was waiting for Calculus to ask questions and make some funny confusion xD but I guess he's away or something

Thank you for your wonderful story, I will surely be reading it again and again :)
aesthetic umbrella chapter 32 . 12/25/2016
it's over. omg.

thank you. i'm legit crying rn stupidly because i was on this journey with you (i mean idk), when it came to publishing the chapter i guess. i'm just so happy is stuck here because this ending was everything. i really appreciate the amount of effort and time you put into this because it's simply beautiful. a bit sad monique's leaving, but this make-up was worth everything.

i understand you won't be writing a sequel, but mentally; i've been imagining more adventure for monique and tintin.

i have to reread this a couple of times later :)
this is great omg best long-running ffn ever 3
Jade-Spade chapter 32 . 12/23/2016
I can't believe it's over, I'm still in disbelief. It's almost been four years and it's finally done...

Where do I begin? First of all I was expecting Monique to not leave in the end but this is most likely a better ending for her. She deserves to have the chance to figure out what happened to her parents and her aunt. I like the idea of Tintin and Monique maintaining a long-distance relationship, it seems to fit them somehow.

I'm so glad they resolved their feelings in the end! FINALLY THEY REALIZED WHAT THEY WEREN'T SAYING! And I love how Captain Haddock knew the whole time XD

As for what I think happens after this ending, I'm not sure, but I'm going to stick to my belief in happy endings... It's what they deserve, after all...

In any case, I'm so glad I got to read this story since the beginning. Even though I've left the Tintin fandom a long time ago this brings back fond memories... It's been a long ride, once again I can't believe it's over! I hope you continue writing, your stories are wonderful.
WaterEra chapter 31 . 12/23/2016
It had been some time since I'd been on Fanfiction, and maybe three days before this chapter was posted I decided to come back and find this story again. I'd read a majority of it when I discovered that it had not been updated in about a year. I had no way of knowing how interested you, the author, were in continuing this story, and I was very close to writing a long PM on why you should. One morning I wake up and am re-reading the last chapter when I find that you had updated, and I couldn't believe it. I sat astonished for a few moments, and have reread the entire story up until this chapter. Now that I have completed it, I am very, VERY impressed with how much 'Behind Black Masks' has matured - in the past ten or so chapters, and in Chapter 31 alone.

The character depth and development is strong, and I feel as though I am sitting in the character's position as I am reading it. In the earlier chapters, I thought Monique was an intriguing character, though feeling that there was more to understand of her and that development was needed. In this chapter and since those during the rising action, we as an audience have learned a great amount about her, and you haven't even divulged into excessive details about her life. It is through viewing her feelings and internal dialogue that we understand her more. I am excited to see how her relationship with Tintin evolves, both as friends and as a couple. Considering how young Monique is, I think it'd be a positive addition to see even more of her stronger, wiser streaks - they not only make her an interesting and very likable character, they make her of a mystery and understandable match for Tintin as well in their relationship and teamwork.

I am very happy you have updated this story and remain interested in writing further. You have already made it clever, and it has countless avenues it could take - all equally captivating and suspenseful and I can only guess which route will be taken. I eagerly await chapter 32. Really great work.
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