Reviews for A Different Path
Guest chapter 2 . 7/7
Absolutely fucking retarded go fucking kill your retarded ass self and take this piece of absolute fucking bull shit with you
Ariadne Venegas chapter 28 . 7/3
I really love the story!

Poor Shirou who broke so young and so much, it was really sad that he left the sword and when he extract himself and magic.
I found awesome that Rin create ruby in response to Shirou creating the sixth magic in pure “you are no better than me” and in one afternoon!

Also I would love to know about if Shirou had son or daughter in the food ending?

I really like it!
Uday Sra chapter 28 . 5/24
PikaMew1288 chapter 10 . 5/8
Reading this chapter makes me wonder what would happen if the Counter-force itself gained intelligence or someone became the embodiment of the Counter-Force and deemed both Gaia and Alaya as threats and erased them?
Rayder-Fyder chapter 28 . 3/7
Well, I can tell you things about this Fic, but I want to tell you this as soon as possible without lengthening it and with a good context. My English is a shame to some extent (if using Google Translate is a fact), then yes, they are crap in that language, but meh.

I do not know if you still read these reviews, but I congratulate you, for the history and its complicated contexts of the world of SAO and Type-Moon, I never saw or knew the mechanics of SAO and its world in general and yes, I confess that I read this Fic mainly Fate, for its history and mechanics in the world that drives a Magus and War. Seeing that Kirito is not screwed by Berserkar with Shirou as Master, it's fucking, I love it. I am not a fan of Arturia and her copies on Fate / GO, so I found this change fresh, regardless of Avalon's trash and its calling context.

The reason to make a fanfiction for me is just for fun, let the imagination fly!

It does not mean that I liked the other endings, not because of the context, but because I am a person who wants to see everyone happy but my heart still trembles at the idea of re-reading this fanfiction next year.

To remember old times, right?

Well, greetings and a hug as thanks to this little work, of course; Nothing cheesy, I waited.

PD: Using the Translator is bullshit, you know? I have to correct a lot of crap to give some context, you'll see in English to Spanish.
YharnamVileblood chapter 1 . 1/14
No just are seriously wanking kiritard like this
He will absolutely get stomped by the servants, he has no power to stand against them
Seriously speaking kirito will die in every scenario possible if he fought in the holy grail war
Stabbed in the heart by Lancer
Crushed by Berserker
Dismembered by False Assassin
Pulverized by Caster
Heart crushed by True Assassin
Destroyed by Archer Caladbolg
Petrified by Rider
Turned into hedgehog by Gilgamesh
Yup...he will die horribly
Shirou must have an E- Luck Demerit for he to summon kirito lol
If kirito can stand against them, you are obviosly high and trippin, don't do drugs mate, and stop writing
Good day
PoofyOhio chapter 28 . 11/24/2019
The best way to describe this story is, it’s a convoluted mess.
PoofyOhio chapter 13 . 11/22/2019
I kinda agree with Gilgamesh, Kirito is somewhat delusional. He’s always thinking this is like so and so game.
PoofyOhio chapter 10 . 11/21/2019
What is this monster you’ve created?
someUntel chapter 1 . 9/29/2019
The dialogue of Jesus-kun is read in the voice of Kirito (Abridged) and I can’t take this seriously hahahaha
Mr.Vegerott23 chapter 28 . 9/10/2019
Really good.
Janitor chapter 9 . 7/24/2019
None of this really sticks together. I had troubles piecing just what it was that threw me about the story, but it really does boil down to both series going together about as well as oil and water. At least, that's the overall feeling. To be more specific on how that feeling developed (at least as of ch9)

- Whatever "connection" Shirou has to the Cardinal system is poorly-established, not alluded to, and ultimately is never shown to be any kind of foreshadowing element to the plot, instead being a convenient means justify movements Kirito shouldn't really be able to perform. (ch9 update - and then utilized to depower Servants while unnecessarily gifting him with miraculous abilities. ALL of that while completely forgetting about the Alaya existing if this system were set to be a serious plague on humanity).

- Shirou's characterization gives up too much to cliche, sense of internal familiarity, and tongue-in-cheek fourth wall poking. Kirito being so self-aware and utiliizing that to muggle into Shirou's love life often reads as a bad distraction instead of anything meaningful. The jokes get in the way of the story. Most grievous and evident in the instance of introspection by Shirou facing a bruised Sakura, and a potential (and lethal) situation is dissolve because Kirito makes a quip on the shipping. It struck me as rude to Kirito, who at least would be sharp enough to connect two and two when someone was obviously hurt in front of him to want to know how and why, and for Shirou who has constantly shown that once he knows the how and the why (or even just getting the "how" and skipping the "why"-see UBW Day 14, [Your Distortion]). In that case, and having previously-established context, neither would have reason to believe Shinji was effectively docile or harmless at that point. Bare minimum is despite Sakura's protests, Shirou would have definitely scrutinized Shinji for his actions. But Kirito quips and the situation's swept under rug.

- That's not how Gae Bolg works.

- That's not how Angra Mainyu works.

- That's DEFINITELY not how Black Sakura works. At the least, a few 100 people needed to have died to the shadow before such a thing could take effect. It also happened with zero effective build up and no payoff. I predict she's probably there to die as there's no logical/reasonable thing to do with her should this story start ship-pushing toward Shirou/Ayako.

- I'd really like to say that's not how the Cardinal System works (and I sense I'd be right, given Kawahara's allergic reactions to genuine world construction) but I'm willing to allow a slide. Still, I CAN say there's just insufficient justification to class Kirito's presence, or the Cardinal's presence, as anything greater than a wraith as opposed to world-effecting phenomena. At least, nothing properly foreshadowed.

- "Tohsaka teasing Shirou" isn't remotely established, but you went with it as a given, despite them not even spending more than three functional hours around one another (most of which was full of Kirito teasing her, mind—see prior paragraph)

- Kirei is played here to be both callous and irresponsible. It was absolutely no effort on his part to treat Ayako, muddy her mind of the evening's events, and use his connections as Mediator to ensure that instance was cared for smoothly. Regardless of Kirei being a villain, he actually takes his role as mediator in the story quite seriously, never going out of his way to actively pounce on or feed on normal people's miseries, opting to pour his sadism more into Shirou and the cast. When he saved Illya (HF), he genuinely saved her. When he struck Rin down (Fate), it was to tactically neutralize her so he could make off with the Lesser Grail Key/Illya. He genuinely treats Sakura, sacrificing his many Command Seals to do so—yes, to see the situation develop in his favor, but also because again, he took his job (and plan) extremely seriously. Maybe this story's going for an Ayako route, but the path/means to do so through Ayako seems sloppy.

- Had a point here about Shirou's forewarnings of Cardinal, Angra, and whatever else was dragged in w/Kirito being badly-presented, but the Black Sakura transformation really just highlights every bit of this particular issue. Prose-wise, I'd say polish up on your foreshadow skills a bit more in the future on works that are not meant to be a deliberate mystery. One of the key tricks being: solve the puzzle, first, think of the pieces you'd need to solve the puzzle, and then work how to place said pieces together so a reader can put together the picture all their own. As is, what you have presented is a feeling that, again, Sakura will be thrown under a bus for a suspected ship, and all of the "how and why" questions will be answered with, "because reasons". I say the later because I fail to speculate how the Cardinal can exists in open reality, how it can influence and effect reality on a level either of a truly divine spirit or at least something more demonic like a Dead Apostle, how said influence coupled with Angra Mainyu would NOT lead to a lot of shortsale slaughter on wide scales, and how that itself would not ultimately trigger the Alaya to neutralize the situation. And this only really comes up because it's been poorly-established. I'd say had you plotted less around Fate and more around Cardinal, perhaps it'd be easier to accept.

As is, presented elements from both canons fail to mix, and so separate leave a very disjointed picture. Not sure if I want to follow through to see how it all turns out with it being so difficult to make sense of thus far.

Though I will thank you for not putting everything on Zelretch's shoulders as a plot crutch. That does get exhausting to read.
Animereader05 chapter 9 . 6/13/2019
So are Shirou's powers different from the original and how.
AceLegends chapter 9 . 4/6/2019
Assassin's range is 5 meters...

_This must be the work of an enemy stand!_
Guest chapter 2 . 2/16/2019
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