Reviews for Self Slain Gods on Strange Altars
umbrella911 chapter 20 . 7/9
Thank you for sharing. No pressure but hope you come back on this sometime.
xcrystal-tearsx9933 chapter 7 . 7/6
Self-hating, nihilistic Snape is my jam. And I will put your prose in a frame and hang it on my wall.
xcrystal-tearsx9933 chapter 6 . 7/6
You rip my heart out and I thank you for it... T_T 3
xcrystal-tearsx9933 chapter 3 . 7/6
Hooo~ boy, you are such a talented writer :O :O
Jennaaa312 chapter 20 . 6/24
You can not know how much this story means to me. I love it and I hate it and love it. I haven't felt so much in a long time. I had bouts were I had no idea what to think or feel or do. It hits very close and the way you write had me hooked since the first word. I was intrigued at first. I love the way you described things. It was way more poetic than I understood at first glance, but now, I think I understand it and I adore the way everything seems to come together. But more so I am in love with your way of describing and painting the characters. I feel, like I can't possibly say everything I feel towards all this to you, because I can't, but I hope this might still gives you an idea, of how grateful I am.
So thank you very much!
teaomihiahrt chapter 1 . 6/3
Guest chapter 20 . 5/31
I binge-read your story. It is wonderful, angsty and hellish and just perfect. Wish you would continue writing. Thank you
xlenaleex chapter 20 . 4/26
Shit...okay. Okay...I get it. I’m sad as hell but I get it. Thank you for sharing this much with us.
xlenaleex chapter 7 . 4/26
Your writing style is sooo compelling
allpall123 chapter 20 . 4/26
Re-read this story twice within the last two weeks alone. It is truly incredible to read, your writing is beautiful and haunting. Thank you so much for this!
xlenaleex chapter 4 . 4/26
I was once so nervous on a date that while reapplying lipgloss I began to ramble on about how I “totally wasn’t applying lipgloss because I thought you would kiss me. Not that I want you to kiss me. Not that I would mind if you did though. I’m just putting on lipgloss cause I wanted to is what I’m trying to say.” ...Those words actually left my mouth lol! Inside I was screaming “Lena shut up!” So I felt Hermione soooo hard LOL!
xlenaleex chapter 3 . 4/26
O_O...this was so hauntingly beautiful. That last scene will stay with me for quite awhile. You did a damn good job!
TheBookImaginarium chapter 19 . 4/20
I just came back and re-read this story again, for the third time and I just wanted to let you know that I absolutely love it so much! The characterization for Snape is so layered and amazing that I am absolutely obsessed with it. I love the journey Hermione’s feelings for Snape take. I love the way you’ve weaved canon throughout. I especially love how you’ve veered different at the end of canon. The portrayal of the characters as adults and the impact war has had on them is so well done, especially Hermione. But also Dean’s descent into depression and darkness. Anyway, this story is definitely a favorite and I will keep coming back to reread it many times in the future!
chelsea0223 chapter 20 . 4/19
Last comment, I swear: this story was amazing. You have a true talent, my friend. Your skillful artwork and beautifully crafted ideas in this story are not lost on me, and there have been times when I needed to sit alone for an hour just to digest and unpack what you have written. I sincerely hope that you are still writing in any capacity (whether for fun or otherwise) because I'd hate to think of such a talented author not putting their gifts to good use. Thank you for all of this.
chelsea0223 chapter 17 . 4/19
Oh my goodness as soon as I read the words Die Hard, I was already in hysterics. Thank you for this
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