Reviews for The Rookie Chronicles 2: Black Ops Rising
Chooky Chook chapter 19 . 4/27/2015
Is it? . ...can it be?... Aliens(1986)? 8D
Chooky Chook chapter 12 . 4/23/2015
YES! It's the Thing!
Awesome movie
Chooky Chook chapter 11 . 4/23/2015
Uta the Things right?
Kellise chapter 26 . 5/14/2014
When they first go into the base you state its a locker room, say its a lock room and then go on calling it a locker room. I assume you just missed a "er". And ok, not Mass Effect XD
Kellise chapter 25 . 5/14/2014
This suddenly feels Mass Effect
Kellise chapter 24 . 5/14/2014
I would like to make a point at this chapter, that your story regularly leaves me giggling like a retard to the eternal confusion of everyone around me. XD
Kellise chapter 23 . 5/14/2014
"And interest question came to mind" (when Trents thinking about Jason VS Predator)
And an interesting
An interesting
And a question
Kellise chapter 21 . 5/14/2014
You missed a space when Trents talking to Stern about not letting civvies into the area if they knew anything was going to go down. The number of cross overs are getting trippy but are fun.
Kellise chapter 13 . 5/13/2014
"Wow. Youre pretty take charge" near the end. It doesnt really make any sense. Otherwise first new flaw Ive found in 13 chapters! Seems your writing got better as the stories went on. *happy*
remember-remember chapter 40 . 3/16/2014
You sir won't believe how much I hate you for killing off all those well bult, awesome and just lovable characters like this. No really I kinda feel the last 3 chapters were rushed and I am just addicted to Jason , trent and enzo . I also love and hate the way you turned this legit halo war story into a weird insanity infused galactif Ghostbusters story who all have cool shit and who kick ass. I love it because it' really creative and fun to read ans I hait it because it just feels like a crime to mix a wonderfully set story with other video games and such. Also I didnt reconize from where all the monsters came from. One last thing, that creature in the cave under the ark, I would have preferd you to give us more detail and include it more in the story. Re-finally , I know it is hopeless but please write more about the tale of jason/trent and enzo. Thanks for a great story, made me cry and laugh.
Noble noisii chapter 4 . 1/5/2014
Why is it T rating?
Commissar Critical chapter 41 . 12/1/2013
Fuckin' A man. I wish you had updated this one, but I'm sure I'll like the new stories. Thanks for letting your loyal fans know the battleplan.

Commissar Critical, formerly The Critical One
ghostleon chapter 41 . 12/1/2013
I can't wait to see your new work, even if its under a new profile. Also its good to see your back, i hope your writing career has gone well during your hiatus. I'll be watching for your new stuff.
As always your hunble reader/reviewer,
deafarcher chapter 41 . 12/1/2013
Well I totally didn't see this coming :D
But seriously man do whatever makes you happy... it seams recently youv just got ambitious... its not your thing... originally you just rolled with it from one story to the next and we loved them all... now you seem like your restricting yourself
Innoxious chapter 40 . 7/14/2013
"He watched the proceedings begin to wrap up. ... ... ONI had chosen to go public with the Survivors, but that's only because Trent knew they were shutting the program down" should read "Blake knew.." since trent is currently being buried.
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