Reviews for Witness
guest chapter 1 . 1/28/2015
Hearbreaking both for Kili and Bilbo. Very well written about a difficult subject.
ThomE.Gemcity-06 chapter 1 . 1/2/2015
Whoa. The first part was a bit funny, but then it just got really dark and twisty. But great writing anyways and despite what the consequences might have been, I really wish that Bilbo sliced and diced those elves that did such horrible things to Kili.
EmeraldGrey57 chapter 1 . 12/25/2014
Poor Kili! Sequel please! One with Thorin and Fii and the company finding out! I love this story so good! :D
mamita chapter 1 . 5/13/2013
Hello, I loved your fic, I love Bilbo, is cute and bravest of what they say, but my favorite couple is KilixBilbo, I love this couple, if were up to me there would be only this, hehe, are so cute and hot together in the movie the only one who seems to care about is Kili Bilbo, and is saved, I love these two, and although the couple I also like ThorinxBilbo or siblings compared with Durin, hopefully do more fics of them, keep it up, thank you and kisses.
salazarastark chapter 1 . 4/28/2013
This is a brilliantly dark story. I want to hug Kíli, hug Bilbo, punch Bilbo, kick the crap out of all the guards, and then hug Kíli again. Are you going to write a sequel to this? Because you should. You really should. There's just so much you could do with this plot, how the Company would react when they find out what happened, how Kíli does, does Bilbo sneak into the guards room and makes them enuchs, that sort of thing. I can't but feel that Kíli at least suspected that Bilbo saw some of it, and agrees that what Bilbo did was the best thing, if not nessecarly the right thing.
VisionX23 chapter 1 . 2/9/2013
I love this! I hate this, but I love this! Incredibly well written. It's easy to relate to Bilbo's struggle. It would be a difficult decision and I think Bilbo did the best thing he could in the situation. I love it. And sadistic as I am, more is a request I often make, but this did end quite well. :)
She's Just Hiding chapter 1 . 1/30/2013
Moar! Need moar angst! I know you weren't planning to write more of this, but how could I convince your muse to convince you to continue it?
Thorny Hedge chapter 1 . 1/27/2013
This was incredible. Of course, being me, I always want to know "what next?" Did it happen again? Did Bilbo react differently this time?
ThexBrokenxMirror chapter 1 . 1/10/2013
Oh poor Kili. You did an amazing job writing the story. I enjoy your work.
DwellerinDarknes chapter 1 . 1/7/2013
This is so sad yet so touchingly written. The line drawn between the old Bilbo and the new Bilbo was a great way to portray his change. Poor Kili :(
elfprincess8 chapter 1 . 1/6/2013
god, poor kili! I don't know what I would have done differently if I'd been bilbo, really nothing he could have done
sariin chapter 1 . 1/6/2013
My God, poor Kili (and Biblo). Your story was beautiful in it's heartbreaking way... I add my voice to previous request. Please, make a sequel. After angst we need some comfort.
Singer Salvage chapter 1 . 1/6/2013
I feel horrible for liking that ;O;
Very well written my dear, great job.

Oh, and will there be more to this?
Mezmer12 chapter 1 . 1/5/2013
Took a risk and you nailed it. I really enjoy your writing style and hope to see more hobbit fics from you!
Estoma chapter 1 . 1/5/2013
Let me say that I am proud of you for writing something that you thought was quite daring. I am glad you didn't do it too graphically. On the whole, the writing was very good, and the scene was as tactful as possible. I liked the way on which you used Kili's rape on order for Bilbo to learn about himself, rather than merely writing a story about the rape. Really, well done. Though my little criticism, is that the situation itself is quite unbelievable as Tolkien only ever described the wood elves as being fair to their prisoners.
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