Reviews for Holiday at Grimmauld
Guest chapter 23 . 7/20
Amazing fic! Love the plot and your writing style!
rahma66 chapter 23 . 7/3
your story is really amazing and I want to continue reading it to see how end. please update and do not abdonade this story :( .
Sarah Youssef chapter 23 . 6/18
It is truly amazing, nothing is bad, but what if they use the scars she is inflicting on the students to get her arrested, or if she goes with them to the department of mysteries and sees Voldemort but please don't kill Sirius.
Kawisdom chapter 23 . 3/27
The Unbreakable Vow should have been discussed in advance so Severus had plenty of reason for his anger. His day in Hogsmeade was more productive than he expected and I wish you'd been able to continue with his students' revenge on Umbridge and the Order meeting. Maybe someday?
Kawisdom chapter 22 . 3/27
This is exactly how Snape would react. Someone needs to sneak a message to Rita Skeeter and a selection of parents.
Kawisdom chapter 21 . 3/27
The staff getting sick one after another could be given an amusing spin if they do it right. I doubt any of the professors has been sick so often or missed so many days as the year some very basic potions were declared controlled substances. Arthritis medicine? Pepper-up? Really, Dolores?
The idea to make the DA official under a separate identity isn't half bad. It's sad that the Unity movement at Hogwarts was stifled, but I suspect that it wasn't just Voldemort. There was a lot of interhouse bias for him to build on.
Kawisdom chapter 20 . 3/27
With luck Hermione's presence will keep things from getting too ugly during the lessons. Harry really resents having to learn from Snape, but maybe if he paid attention he'd catch on that his teacher isn't in the best health and he should try to be less hostile to him.
Kawisdom chapter 19 . 3/27
More work as his body fails him. Such is the life of Severus Snape. At least some of the students are willing to listen to him.
Kawisdom chapter 17 . 3/27
I think Umbridge is a sadist. She's also completely unqualified to decide what potions are required for medical purposes. I have to wonder how many dirty secrets she's uncovered to acquire so much power.
How about muggle medicine? A prescription may not be possible to arrange, but a topical cream might at least help with Professor Flitwick's arthritis. So would Umbridge suffering a fatal fall, but I guess that has to wait until she can walk around.
Kawisdom chapter 16 . 3/27
Sirius, Remus and the Malfoys are safe for a while but I'm not so sure about Severus around Dolores Umbridge. She'll be looking for problems.
Kawisdom chapter 13 . 3/27
Death Eaters were bound to find a way eventually, I guess. At least there's a way out.
Home not so sweet home. Who knew Severus and Sirius had that in common too?
And of course the trio went missing. They do that.
Kawisdom chapter 12 . 3/27
The memories are bad enough. The family reunion, though? I hope it's a hallucination.
Kawisdom chapter 10 . 3/27
The downside of mind reading .
Kawisdom chapter 9 . 3/27
Severus Snape is part vampire. I hope Sirius doesn't overreact. Or Moody. That guy might just yank his leg off to use as a stake!
Kawisdom chapter 8 . 3/27
Severus has had one heck of a Christmas so far. If I were Molly and Arthur, I'd be furious at Sirius's little "joke". He's less self controlled than the twins!
Severus gets by by using occlumency to manage his horrible memories, doesn't he? I hope he can muddle through until he can reconstruct his shields.
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