Reviews for Four Times Five is Twelve
BMick chapter 4 . 1/19/2013
Home at last, somehow... Did John black out while thinking of Rodney being safe? Is that what allowed the door to open? If fully and consciously controlled, maybe this device was intended to allow an Ancient to vacation anywhere s/he liked or could imagine. Not so great for partial descendants!

It took a lot of courage for Rodney to become a monster fighter, to take the protector role for his downed team mate and friend. And, were the out-of-place doorknobs an indication of some Rodney influence in their imaginary world?
LeePee chapter 1 . 1/18/2013
This is a great start to your story. I really like the feel of it even though I usually prefer stories written in the more traditional past tense most writers use. I'll catch up with the rest of it soon.
BMick chapter 3 . 1/16/2013
Oh, Rodney, that was not a time to be babbling... if he put John's thoughts on whatever nightmare he had "that one night", this could get very nasty now, and John sounds really bad.
RavenWeavesTales chapter 2 . 1/14/2013
What a wickedly delicious story! Whump our Shep but good okay? He can take it. hehe Can't wait to read more. Great stuff. Well done. Cheers! }:O

sheppardlover928 chapter 3 . 1/16/2013
Hmmm..are they still in that room in Atlantis?! Noe that Rodney had figured that this place is onnected to John...Hope they figure out how to turn it off soon...before John is too sick!
Weird but really interesting plot! Mysterious!
Goldvein chapter 2 . 1/14/2013
Mysterious *waggles eyebrows* awesome! can't wait for more, you've done a great job do far!

BMick chapter 2 . 1/14/2013
Lost in some kind of Wonderland, one sick and the other scared... our boys are in deep this time, aren't they? And now, an instant house - I wonder if it looks like the McKays' old vacation place?
sheppardlover928 chapter 2 . 1/14/2013
What the heck is this place?! And why is John's nose bleeding and why is he being sick?!
A idyllic,but scary place that doesn't make sense? Hurry with more!
TheNaggingCube chapter 1 . 1/14/2013
Uh oh the trouble finders are on a new adventure!
BMick chapter 1 . 1/13/2013
*So* not fun! But, maybe, just maybe... does what Rodney is experiencing bear at least a little resemblance to a Ferris wheel ride? Up, 'way up, then suddenly down, as if falling... is Sheppard dreaming? And Rodney being carried along? I wanna know!
The Starplater chapter 1 . 1/13/2013
Great start, suspenseful and I think you've got both McKay and Sheppard's characters perfectly :)
shepfan chapter 1 . 1/13/2013
Nice start. You paint an interesting picture of an alien world. Can't wait to read more.
sheppardlover928 chapter 1 . 1/13/2013
You certainly have my interest! Where the heck are they and why are they affected differently? And why is John hurting while Rodney isn't?! Please hurry with more!
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