Reviews for The Midnight Dawns
MasqueradeSpark chapter 10 . 7/23/2013
I'd say shit got real when Nightbird was comparing Mebella's eyes to Starscreams! Poor Nightbird doesn't know what to think anymore!
Also, this chapter was not crap! you worked hard on Mebella's backstory and it shows. it's very detailed and it makes sense to me. I know how you feel when it takes awhile to write through one chapter(it's like you are your own worst enemy) but cheer up- it sounds like you're halfway done with this part of the story.
I don't mind waiting for new chapters. Writing fics should be about quality, not quantity- and the quality of this work is amazing considering you created an entire new world/characters/backstory just for a very unique TF pairing. I could go on and on, but you know this story is awesome and will get done in due time.
But Starscream better come to Nightbird's rescue cause I don't want her to die! :O
Valong chapter 9 . 6/21/2013
That was hilarious, great and damn erotic... :D

The (naughty) thoughts she has towards him, her "dreams", the way she is watching him (accidentally of course) while he is taking his armor of, when they help each other to get dressed, the mentioning of his high voice etc...Phew, this room in which they happen to be, is filled with steaming eroticism. Man, I can hardly wait for the next chapter...XD

As for the interfacing...Of course I would LOVE to read about it (just not too soon)...but we all know, erotism means a lot more then just "having sex". And (good written) erotism is at least as "delicious" as sex. So, let's have more of the same ! ;)

There is just one thing what bothers me a bit (and I hope youre not going to slaughter me for it)...I wish you would write more from her point of view. Its wonderful how you write/describe Starscream. The way he speaks, smiles, looks, moves etc. But I personally think, the awesome charm/the fascination of his personality, disappears or at least, its less "delicious" when I can "read" his thoughts resp. his emotions. But I do love reading Nightbirds thoughts and feelings. I really enjoy them. :D I would so love to scream "Go Nightbird, go ! Grab him and dont let him go again !" heheh

Oh, one more thing...Have you already a dA account ?
MasqueradeSpark chapter 9 . 5/21/2013
8D ...another chapter well done!
Their outfits sounded totally amazing and I absolutely need to see this dress on deviantart! (I'm on there quite a bit!)
Your descriptions of the banquet scene were so great- and Lord Death intrigues me... hopefully he is more friend than foe. I'm liking how you keep tying the prophecy in throughout the story- oh I'm so excited to know what's gonna happen to the Star Gazer and the Shadow Stepper in the battle ahead! man I hope something terrible happens to Mebella- I am rooting for you Nightbird to defeat the evil witch!

I'm not upset that you aren't having "interfacing" scenes in here. I like them as a couple, but they are just discovering their relationship/crush on each other and it's adorable and wonderful just the way you have it. For me, the fantasy parts are more interesting and that's why I keep reading- because I certainly couldn't write anything like that!
It's okay to have a love/hate relationship with your story- (I have similar problem with mine; I think all writers do at some point) I think your story has a good pace and flow to it so don't get down about it.

Also, you are not crazy about Starscream's voice. If you listen to him talk when he's not arguing with Megatron, he does sound different- slightly darker and sad undertones maybe? I noticed it in the episode when he's on the deserted island talking to himself as he creates the Combaticons. There's other scenes too but that one popped in my head first lol
Not a Guest 22 chapter 9 . 5/21/2013
How?! How did I miss a chapter?!

Well, apparently there was a chapter eight and I didn't know that. Ouch.

Both chapters are great! Allot of good stuff, I'm happy I follow this story because its a really good one!
The last part of this chapter was 'very' interesting, I await more.
Oh and this should be italicized.
MasqueradeSpark chapter 8 . 4/28/2013
This chapter made my day.
When they walked into Capernum, Starscream reminded me of Dorothy in Oz- totally fascinated by the strange beauty and creeped out at the same time by all the people staring at them! And I was like
:O - that's my face when I read this chapter! the amazing attention to details from the creatures to the landscape and the buildings- I had to re-read it to take it all in!
LOL it's not being snobby to incorporate a part of your real-life terminology into the story- I've read lots of fics that have slang words or native words from other countries that make me go "what the what?" when I read it but it just forces me to think harder and use google or wikipedia if I don't get it.
Keep up the epic fantasy/sci-fi/romance awesomeness!
Not a Guest 22 chapter 7 . 4/26/2013
Great chapter! Some interesting developments in it.

I understand it was late but I didn't mind the wait.

I would leave a longer review, but I'm tired and its late. So another time maybe?
KrazyPanda chapter 7 . 4/22/2013
Lovely chapter! ugh I'm bad at reviewing but this story deserves reviews and...Yeah, sorry about the crappy comment. This story is just awesome, please keep it up
Deezaster82 chapter 7 . 4/22/2013
I didn't mind the cuddling at all! They need reassurance and warmth, so it isn't misplaced or ooc. Anyway, I like this story and I hope you will continue. Don't worry about the delay between two chapters, I understand and can wait as long as needed!
MasqueradeSpark chapter 7 . 3/31/2013
I am so happy I decided to read this. I am seriously gonna gush like a silly fangirl on this fic because you just melded mechs and magic together whilst creating an original new world! I was apprehensive at first because I'm a picky femme about who my Screamer pairs up with- but you keeping the main characters G1 was brilliant.
Personally, "Enter the Nightbird" is one of the best G1 episodes ever and I am forever angry she has never been re-made on any tv series. This fic has offically helped me come to terms with my issues over that.
This fic also reminds me of another G1 fave of mine- "A Decepticon Raider in King Aurther's Court". Yep, I love that one too- for waaay too many reasons to list here- But mostly cause it's got a wizard, a dragon, and robots!
You are a great fantasy genre writer and it shows in the details of your fics. Your visual descriptions are vivid and wacky- it's like this world they're stuck in is the lovechild of Narnia and Wonderland (which in my case would be paradise).
Please stop bashing yourself and apologizing all over the place! This is your fic and if someone hates on your pairing, grammar, spelling, or storytelling- you tell them to "Buff this!" (I couldn't resist sayin it since you mentioned KO worked on NB in an earlier chapter.)
Seriously, I am following a lot of stories right now that only update every several months or even once a YEAR, so taking a week to update because you're a living human being and not a fanfic machine is totally fine by me. I'm going to follow this story to the bitter end and continue to support my new fave pairing!
Not a Guest 22 chapter 6 . 3/21/2013
I liked it! Honestly!

I can honestly say that this chapter was good. It is often said, and it applies here; An authors worst critic is themself. So that may be why you think that this chapter is crap.

I await the next chapter patiently.
Deezaster82 chapter 6 . 3/21/2013
This is awesome! I always liked the idea of Nightbird/Starscream but I had never read a story with this particular pairing, I think you made my day ( possibly my year) and while I don't care much for 'fantasy', I still like this story and how it evolves. My guess is that the Spark used on Nightbird (cus she's been given a spark, right) belong to Starscream's 'dead' ex-girlfriend.

Can't wait to read what happen next!
CuteSparkling chapter 5 . 3/12/2013
This is really good! I love it:D Please update!
Not a Guest 22 chapter 5 . 3/11/2013
Finally! Nah, I'm just kidding.

Honestly, the chapter wasn't that bad. There where a few spelling errors but nothing that can't be fixed. So anyways, the chapter was great!

Regarding you're writing, I think its unique, in a good way though.

I await the next chapter patiently.
Snowstorm Blues chapter 4 . 2/22/2013
Loved this chapter! And I can't WAIT for the next! Please update soon! :D
Snowstorm Blues chapter 3 . 2/22/2013
Awesome! Grate chapter! Love the way it ended too XD
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