Reviews for Shifting Paradigms
countrygirl21 chapter 15 . 1/4/2019
Jeez, what a bitch! Is it awful of me to say I hope when Raj heard about her stunt he raked her across the coals for it? That was just uncalled for and shows Leonard isn't with her for her sweet disposition.
Chippers chapter 22 . 8/2/2017
Awwww, such a sweet ending.
kimjo2 chapter 22 . 2/28/2015
wow, i can't believe this was your first's excellent. thanks so much
Johsel chapter 22 . 9/18/2014
I really loved the story, would have loved Priya and Amy to meet them years later with children and a wonderful life but the ending was prefect
trishajoy chapter 22 . 10/16/2013
I loved this story...
xxx Belldandy xxx chapter 22 . 8/10/2013
Very nice :)
UnScrambled chapter 22 . 4/19/2013
Loved the ending!
carae chapter 22 . 3/14/2013
Aaah, lovely story. I always like it when Raj stays friends with them. He is such a sweetie.
Misiu chapter 22 . 2/16/2013
Such an amazing story and touching and sweet and awwww!
awwww chapter 22 . 2/6/2013
I was totally enthralled with this story the first time around (which wasn't that long ago) and had to read it again today. (Sigh...) Lovely story.

I also went back and realized that your first fic was only in September 2012 (?). I do enjoy your stories. Wow - you really have a way of portraying the characters and underlying emotions and dynamic of the group in any of your stories.

I can't get enough of Shenny and there's not been much lately :-(

Look forward to reading more (or even an epilogue (although the story is awesome as is) -hint hint...what happens w/Missy & Raj and Stephanie & Leonard? :-) Ah, who cares- Shenny FTW!
Tribeca chapter 22 . 1/27/2013
Just finished reading your fic and really enjoyed it! Perfect ending, just enough angst, and lots of Shenny sweetness once Sheldon realized his feelings for Penny. In the canon of my mind this is how it will be for them. He will realize he and Penny no longer spend time together, he will obsess over it and then try to solve it, he will cut Amy loose and then go to Penny wth his heart. And then they will live happily ever after...for as long as thy both shall live.

You are on fire girl! Great job on the fic and thanks for keeping the Shenny flag flyng!
Rokimbo chapter 22 . 1/27/2013
Loved this story! I'm glad that you made Sheldon work to win back Penny's friendship. I think relocating
was the best thing that could've happened to their relationship. And I really liked the idea of moving to Kearney. A lot of wonderful people in that town! Go Lopers! One of my favorite places!
Rokimbo chapter 10 . 1/27/2013
Sometimes you make my heart hurt. You really do. And oh, how I love you for it!
Lightningbolt81 chapter 22 . 1/25/2013
That's so great, so what happened with Missy and Raj?
Lightningbolt81 chapter 21 . 1/25/2013
Aww, they're getting married.
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