Reviews for Grizzly Tales: Winterspell
lexi2638 chapter 5 . 3/7/2016
I love the mind games Xena and Ares play with one another. Their playful yet dangerous conversation is so sexy. You ended it right when it was heating up. You're just as much of a tease as she is :) here's my reminder that this story should definitely be updated. I am enjoying where this is going.
Missyla chapter 3 . 4/15/2015
a little of 'the British are coming, the British are coming' lol I guess she answered his question defiantly and left him w one of her own

great chapter
Missyla chapter 1 . 4/15/2015
kill the bard? lol as if. great start
KM Bard chapter 4 . 9/1/2014
I love the descriptions in your story. It definitely helps to visualize the scenes. Also, it's always nice to read dialogue where you can sense characters' chemistry together.
Missyla chapter 5 . 8/8/2014
oh what this evil Xena can do to the war God, it's never ending. :)) that was so hot and sexy and she has him soo wrapped around her finger. great job loved it. update soon :))
Mareritt chapter 4 . 8/5/2014
I was reading it with eyes literally glued to the screen, unable to break myself away from it until I reached the end :D Marvelous dance! Marvelous exchange of lines! Marvelous chapter! :D
Mareritt chapter 3 . 8/5/2014
Xena and Ares are so worth each other and they are both masters of twisting the words and avoiding answering the question :D
I love it how you describe just some seemingly common situation between them but at the same time show how much they are attracted to each other, how they react to each other's nearness etc. :D Ares just can't help himself from touching her and she stubbornly try to fight what she feels when he's doing it although she would most willingly just give in it :D
Mareritt chapter 1 . 8/3/2014
Absolutely great chapter!
I love it how they behave as if nothing big was happening, as if they had just some business chatter but it only takes one single touch, one glance and they're already burning inside, fighting an inner battle with their own desires. You showed it all perfectly; I like it how they play around, acting towards each other as if in slow motion when it come to touching :)
You have great comparisons and descriptions as well eg : "blue burning into brown", "lips as red as freshly shed blood". I need to add them to my favorite quotations list :D
HeatherJS chapter 5 . 3/27/2014
Oh my that certainly was a tease...oh evil Xena seems to be thinking about change. Ares and Xena with there mind games are always a joy to read. They play off each other perfectly. I'm interested to see what Xena is going to do and if she will leave Ares and what he will do if she does.
Please update soon! :)
Missyla chapter 4 . 11/22/2013
oops I think I got your two stories mixed up, I was talking about the dance in this one.
alexandra.sarafolean chapter 5 . 10/26/2013
Love it! I'm so glad to know that you haven't renounced and that will come more...

Update soon!
Stardawn19 chapter 4 . 6/3/2013
I can see the foreshadowing here, with Ares worried about losing Xena, and I'm again worried about Gabrielle's safety. If Ares were smart he'd get rid of her before Xena got too attached. I know though that there has got to be some catch somewhere. Is she the chosen of another god? Is she under another's protection? Is there a prophecy (perhaps the tie in w/ the original Snow White- I could see the fates acting as the 'mirror' perhaps.) that the blonde will be Ares's undoing?

I can see a lot of potential here and am curious to see where it goes.
Stardawn19 chapter 3 . 6/3/2013
This chapter seems to pick up a little speed. I was surprised to see that Xena let Gabrielle go, gave her a horse even. I'm worried though that Ares seems fixated on Gabrielle. This could be very bad for the bard.

I can feel the tension mounting though, as the people of Athens prepare for Xena. I can imagine how scared the people are, but I'm glad that Gabrielle is also there. She has an opportunity to meet with Xena gain, and maybe start to change her.
Stardawn19 chapter 2 . 6/3/2013
They were a startling blue, a blue that should have been pretty, but they only reflected hardness and cruelty... what a wonderful way to describe evil Xena's eyes. I really liked this image.

I also like the dance that Gabrielle and Xena did with the back and forth and the different notions of nobility. I liked the vulnerability that you showed in each character, and can almost feel the draw that Xena has to the bard. I like this touch and go where Xena is fighting her feels.
Stardawn19 chapter 1 . 6/3/2013
Interesting beginning. I can certainly see evil Xena here, in the way that she thinks and moves, and even the way that she is described. I liked the line about lips as red as a rose, not being quite accurate and saying they are more like blood. That's paints a chilling picture.

Feel sorry for the poor bard though, although I have to wonder if Xena has other plans for her.
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