Reviews for The Book Of Blood
MissE chapter 1 . 8/28/2017
This is a great story. From the plot to the characterization of our beloved heroes. There are not many ff about dantalian no shoka, so thank you so much for writing this.
I understand this was written four years ago and I don't know if you're still up for the sequel. But if you do, please do kindly write them :-) I'm sure it will be as good as this.
Richard Conway chapter 1 . 2/9/2017
This story desperately needs a sequel, it was just too good! Please continue! You did a fantastic job when no one else would, so PLEASE continue!
Tairulz chapter 1 . 6/28/2015
This was amazingly written, great job! :)

I will be looking forward to any future sequals
f.tastarossa chapter 1 . 5/3/2015
wow I like it.
Very hard to find dantalian fic TT
I'm so moved !
crescent dusk chapter 1 . 3/23/2015
Great job! Very in-character and I could see everything as if it were a real episode. Thank you for writing this; too bad there are so few fanfics for this. I hope you write the sequel!
UrmixMoonstone chapter 1 . 1/4/2014
Finally! I've been looking for fics on this anime. It's such a shame that there aren't many.
I loved it! This could actually pass for an episode for the actual anime!
Looking forward to the sequel
phantome101 chapter 1 . 10/29/2013
interesting..looking forward to more
Rahab Morgan chapter 1 . 10/7/2013
I just finished watching this anime, and I'm glad to see there is at least one fanfic out there for it! I really enjoyed this.

I do have one but of constructive criticism - when Huey says "pit-pocket", the correct term that you want is "pick-pocket".

I hope you write the sequel at some point! I would love to read it!
murakamism chapter 1 . 8/19/2013
ooh, i loved this! it was very reminiscent of the original light novels, and you've gotten dalian's voice perfectly. it fits perfectly into canon. plus, huey's interactions/worrying towards dalian were all very sweet. such cuties, huhu.

can't wait for the sequel, whenever it may be. : )
Tawny chapter 1 . 6/18/2013
dooderu chapter 1 . 5/27/2013
Man, you should continue this! This could be an actual ep, y'know? XD
BTWNTHELINES chapter 1 . 5/24/2013
Oh my..this is so very lovely. The characters are perfectly described. Please do another story! I look forward to it if you decide you will. I love this anime and I am so saddened there aren't many fanfictions on it. :D
DezoPenguin chapter 1 . 1/21/2013
Oh, I like this one! Dalian's character voice is utterly perfect with its mix of petulance, knowledge, and impatience, which makes the story a pleasure to read, and I'll gladly look forward to the sequel.

As an editing note, there were a few inconsistencies with the use of "Sir" when Huey and Larson were addressing each other (though that actually rather reminded me of many Japanese originals tripping over European forms of address!), and at least one significant typo ("pit-pocket" instead of "pick-pocket"), but overall it was good and clean work for its length!