Reviews for These Trees Have Secrets
Karen Lai chapter 1 . 1/16/2013
Brilliant :) loved it. Although it was dark, it wasn't too dark.
myapplemonkey chapter 1 . 1/17/2013
This is so devastatingly sad. I had to read it a second time before I was able to even consider writing anything, I was left with that much shock. It's amazing, though. (I'm into the darker stuff, ;)) It seemed like Tom was dealing with whatever happened the best, and then it turned out he wasn't. Wow.
Pasta with Glass chapter 1 . 1/17/2013
This story's really good and cleverly written with the steady repetition of flashbacks. However, I'm confused. Was Danny killed in the first visit to the woods, meaning that Tom was actually interacting with a ghost throughout the whole fic, which would explain why Dougie and Harry wouldn't - or couldn't - talk to him?
evilneevil chapter 1 . 1/16/2013
This is kinda confusing but that's probably just cause that's a cliffhanger. Unless this is only meant to be a one shot. Which I hope it isn't. Update soon:)