Reviews for Ranma The Mermaid
Ryavrel chapter 5 . 9/2/2019
This chapter further proves my point...
Ryavrel chapter 4 . 9/2/2019
I'm curious about one teenie detail here. After having found out about his true heritage, why stay in Japan again? I get Ariel and Melody went to Japan to look for him but then why stay there after having found him. If Mom and Dad are royalty, why aren't they going back home? Especially since they're King/Queen of said home? And especially after this incident? I don't maybe that's just me. Anywho...
Sakura chapter 11 . 10/15/2018
Wow they became villains.
Sakura chapter 11 . 10/15/2018
You kidnapped him!
dumb chapter 1 . 10/17/2016
f*** you
Paul Varela chapter 1 . 12/18/2014
i love the little little mermaid, it's great a story.

add more chapters.
Natalie-E-G chapter 11 . 6/27/2014
Warning: Very critical critique. But you did come up with something and were willing to try and write, something I will probably never do.

At the end you finally started using more punctuation and capitalization.
Story appears very forced.
Spelling, looks like you finally found out what a spell checker is.
Proof reading, if you are not native English speaking get someone who is. (Better at end).
While technically the story improved and became more readable at the end, the story itself appears to have degenerated, like you had an idea but only and idea and now are grasping at straws for something to write hoping you come up with more for the original idea.

Finally the story makes no real sense within itself. If Ariel really is upset about Nabiki, all she has to do is call on King Triton. He is a fairly major god, significantly weaker than her grandfather (Poseidon) and her grandmother (Amphitrite - at least within the salt water seas and oceans much more powerful than Poseidon). They might not be able to cause earthquakes, destroying much of Japan, but I am sure surrounding Japan and crashing the ports with waves hundreds of feet high and would affect fishing and shipping, not to mention the damage to all coastal areas. Imagine the 2004 tsunami hitting Japan from every direction and just growing in power for weeks, with Triton demanding the people that have kidnapped, threatened, harmed, attempted to harm, and/or imprisoned his grandson be brought before him for his full wrath. (You could even just have Triton call all the sea creatures to 3000 miles from Japan or maybe just assign other tritons and merfolk to keep fish away from Japanese fishing vessels. That alone might wreck the Japanese economy depending on how much fish is needed for their diet.) I am sure the Amazons will do best to disappear and pray their is still water in their wells and streams. Nabiki will do best to go into hiding and become an invisible person (no job, no records, no bank accounts, no electronic traces - maybe a street person). The Kunos would bluster and declare they had the right as they were served up. Genma and Nodoka would be internationally famous if caught and even more famous if not caught as their pictures would be more burned into everyone's brains better than the image of Hitler is burned into the mind of a survivor of Auschwitz.

I realize bringing in Triton would kill your story or require a major rethinking, but with such power in the family plus the power of the extended family, I cannot imagine Ariel did not ask for help in finding her child much earlier. Remember King Triton in the Disney series is portrayed as THE Triton.
Princess Ta'Mona chapter 11 . 3/19/2014
Can you please update and punish the idiots who hurt both Ranma and Melody? what they did to the siblings is enough to make me angry and wish the worst on the idiots
Isabella chapter 2 . 3/14/2014
In the end where he says "me and melody are sisters" doesn't he mean BROTHER and sister
Chaosqueen chapter 11 . 2/23/2014
We want an update
FairySinGirl chapter 11 . 10/16/2013
Winter's Folly chapter 11 . 9/30/2013
Guest chapter 11 . 9/27/2013
genma and nodoka must be punshed!
Guest chapter 10 . 9/27/2013
how about turning nabiki into a mermaid just to pay her back for all her scams and bring a little justise into the story.
Fast Frank chapter 4 . 9/26/2013
Total believability failure: Ranma doesn't even try to shake loose from being held by one arm. Just the rain should make Ranma and Melody too slippery to hold on to.
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