Reviews for Dangerous Games
Anne7 chapter 27 . 2/14/2018
Hi! So... I hesitate to say I enjoyed the story, because I hate seeing Obi-Wan suffering and was mostly pushing through to see him released from Dooku's control and back with the Jedi where he belongs. (I even peeked at the last chapter to make sure there was a happy end.) But I think my reaction shows that you did a great job keeping up the tension, even while balancing the Obi-Wan torture with more hopeful moments. Having Obi-Wan's struggles show Anakin his own weaknesses and how to deal with them was also very well done. I'm looking forward to the sequel - having had to witness Obi-Wan's suffering I'm eager to also see his healing. :)
Doc Junior chapter 27 . 12/26/2017
Very good story. I came here to read the last chapter since it wasnt traduced in French. Never borring and a lot of action. Well done !
Blake2020 chapter 1 . 8/22/2017
ObitineWinterWidowShipper chapter 11 . 8/2/2016
You write the most amazing dark obi story.
samurai-hearts chapter 27 . 5/2/2016
Wow! This is by far one of my favourite fics. I loved the storyline, you managed to weave together everyone's agendas in a way that was understandable and your characters were on point-while heartbreaking at the same time. The final battles were absolutely thrilling to read and I enjoyed every minute. Can't wait to start reading the sequel!
Reader-anonymous-writer chapter 27 . 4/3/2016
It was not justice, Anakin; don't listen to Palpatine. Killing people without hearing their side of the story...
Hopefully, not fight to death. A third party could stun, restrain both of them.
Anakin suspects that Palpatine is Sith? Good!
Anakin is spooking the Sith. Palpatine is way too interested in Dooku's plans to overthrow Dooku's Master.
I do hope Padme is more capable of survival than Palpatine thinks.
Anakin... Palpatine will not let Padme live. Do not trust Palpatine.
Thank you. Good day, good night, and good luck.
I am glad that here, visions of future are used to avert disasters, and not to walk into them.
UnspeakableHorror chapter 27 . 3/8/2016
I happened to find this story when looking for an entirely different type of story, but it drew me in and I just had to find out how it would all end! I thought the characterizations were quite believable considering the circumstances. The only thing I was slightly dubious about was how blatantly suicidal Dooku was at the end, but I suppose that could be attributed to how completely obsessed he became with this idea of turning Obi-Wan to the Dark Side, and how ridiculously difficult that task was, ha.

Anyway, I thought this was a great story! Fast paced and exciting plot, relatable characters, cruel but intelligent villains (especially Dooku!), and just so much emotion packed into it all. Definitely one of my favorite Star Wars fanfics.
faeymouse chapter 9 . 11/1/2015
That 'spare part' line really got me. Poor Obi-Wan...
faeymouse chapter 8 . 10/30/2015
Those visions are awesome. I can't wait to see what they culminate to.
faeymouse chapter 7 . 10/30/2015
I love the speech Anakin gives about attachment. It really is true that few other Jedi would understand what attachment really is.
faeymouse chapter 6 . 10/29/2015


faeymouse chapter 5 . 10/29/2015
I like how you include thoughts on Qui-Gon!
faeymouse chapter 4 . 10/29/2015
Ooooh evil Sidious being evil and dark sidey. Poor Obi
faeymouse chapter 3 . 10/29/2015
I enjoy how you write Dooku!
faeymouse chapter 2 . 10/29/2015

(I mean, I didn't think he would die but still...)
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