Reviews for Revive, Withered Hope
Moon's Tear chapter 10 . 2/1/2017
I love this a lot! www Your dialogue is very well-written.
TheMistyLion chapter 10 . 8/31/2015
When Lily said "Whoa, don't be so serious," you spelled her name differently.
tsbkii chapter 7 . 11/28/2013
No, no I do understand. You can take your time with this fic. As long as you don't stop. I actually read both of your fics including this one, and I do appreciate your efforts. If you recognize me from a review in "The Tainted Wing's Flight", I have already left you my comment. This fan fiction has been beautifully written, and the way you portray Oliver here is not too common with the other Ollie fics I've read. As for the plot, although dark, it is very dramatic in contrast to the normality of everyday life (like what Yuki had experienced before she met James and Ollie). Overall, It is very interesting, and I would really, really love it if you kept updating. I just hope more people would take the time to review this. Because I have a feeling that this story is loved by many but it is just not shown.

And yes... writer's block IS a pain in the patella. I've been in your situation myself.
Edlinklover chapter 1 . 10/5/2013
Aah, why haven't I favorited and reviewed this story yet? At the moment, this story and the prequel to this are some of my top favorite Vocaloid fanfiction! I'm really sorry to hear about the lack of reviews, a lot of people are missing out.
As for errors, there are no mistakes that really stand out to me and I thoroughly enjoy this story! It's very unique and interesting to me and I honestly hope you update soon! It might be a little discouraging from lack of reviews ((knowing from experience, I quit a lot of my stories because I think no one is reading them)), but there ARE people who would be overjoyed if you continued. Just giving a little bit of encouragement just in case you're trying to find motivation. ((sorry if this review is bad, I rarely review so I'm rather inexperienced))
CavemanTrivia chapter 6 . 7/28/2013
Are you going to write more? I actually really like this one.
DarkLilyAndRose chapter 3 . 3/5/2013
*I'm just guessing here*

Did James bring Yuki to where ever this is, so that Oliver has a wife or someone to love- along that line?

I found no spelling errors- if anything it's your paragraph formatting that needs editing.

Intresting story so far, I'm sorry you're not getting many reviews
shino chapter 2 . 1/25/2013
I like how you write a fanfic about oliver and kaai yuki and the plot twist I love it so much w)

And in this sequel you made the first imprression is very interesting, after you write that oliver is dead and now with ainsley that changed to vocaloid kaai yuki and they gonna meet up I wonder how they feel about the nostalagic and tragic things that happen, how they gonna solve it I mean handle all this awkwardness (?)

I'm Sorry for the typo or grammar error from my review, I just can write the review as the fans not a literature though -u-")

Anyway I'm waiting for the update ;3c