Reviews for Verisimilitude
Maximilien Robespierre chapter 5 . 3/1/2013
Beautiful, as ever. I always loved this episode. The retcon scene with the team, and Jack's inner monologue in the second half were especially nice. The one thing I thought could have been better was Ianto's dialogue in chapter 2. He doesn't usually seem to show that much vulnerability except right in the middle of a dangerous/traumatic experience. He often clams up, or at least appears calmer than he is afterward. But overall, really nice story. I love how you write Jack.
DarkwingDuckie chapter 5 . 1/31/2013
That was awesome! One of my favorite episodes too and you filled in the details brilliantly! Looking into Jack's thoughts added another dimension to his character and some greater insight into him during that episode. Thank you!
Village-Mystic chapter 4 . 1/28/2013
Good POV. Like the prior chapter doesn't add quite as much as the first 2 chapters did, but your writing is a partial "cure" to how disturbing the episode was... and I would look forward to reading more fictions by you. AU if you want to go there or crossovers.
Village-Mystic chapter 3 . 1/28/2013
Okay, thanks for mentioning Rhys and retcon, because the edited episode that aired didn't bother.
PadawannaB chapter 4 . 1/27/2013
I waited and dreaded this chapter the most. The part of 'Adam' that always breaks me. This, the light feeling and sweetness that transforms and twists into something ugly and wrong. There are lots of things in 'Adam' that no one should ever do to another living being: violations of mind, body and soul. But this has always been the worst for me: there's always more for him to lose, no matter how much is already gone. He makes the difficult choices and is hated for it, he gives too much and is given too little, he loves with all his heart and is rewarded with petty scorn and disinterest. The monster sees it all, everything, and still it dares to take even more away.
That, if anything, is cold.

Loved the chapter, just in an angsty mood now... The performance of John Barrowman and the emotion in this scene never fail to both amaze and shatter me. I hate it, and I love it, and it's the same with this chapter: it captured the essence of the scene, and made it even more heartbreaking. So a job well done, then :)
Sandysan2013 chapter 4 . 1/27/2013
I was always surprised Jack fell for that trip down memory lane with Adam. How exactly did he hope to benefit from anything that trickster could do?
Guest chapter 3 . 1/25/2013
I do love this ep, interesting it being just from Jack's POV when the worse Adam can do still has to happen to Jack, looking forward to the next chapter
BelladonasMom chapter 3 . 1/25/2013
Seeing behind the episode makes me feel sad for what everyone's lost. Still it's got to be done. Beautiful installment!
Quiet Time chapter 3 . 1/25/2013
Have to say I'm enjoying this more than the episode itself. Great job!
BelladonasMom chapter 2 . 1/23/2013
Very well written story! Nicely fills in the gaps. Good characterizations. Excellent!
Village-Mystic chapter 2 . 1/22/2013
Well done. Thanks for sharing.
Village-Mystic chapter 1 . 1/21/2013
i found the episode profoundly disturbing, and it influences my own dark "what if". I'm liking your Jack POV. He's selfish sometimes and a messy eater, but he does care when he's focused on mission and on his heart.
SarahCat1717 chapter 1 . 1/20/2013
Love it so far! I can't wait to read more! I think you wrote the part with Jack not finding the emotional attachment to Adam's memories very well. Great work!
PadawannaB chapter 1 . 1/20/2013
'Adam' was an episode that brought me to tears, and not only because of Gareth David-Lloyd's amazing performance. The faith Jack put in Ianto; the sweet moments and rediscoveries of Gwen and Rhys. The way Toshiko and Owen always miss each other, while we know they could be something extraordinary. What Jack lost and can never get back.
Things that no one should ever do to another living being.
I'm loving this already, especially the interpretation of Jack's momentary freeze when Ianto first spoke to him; just a tiny thing, I know, but I've never thought about it like that, as a brief moment of fear that the ghosts have followed him home. The explanations behind Jack's reasoning, his memories and thoughts about the others... awesome.

Can't wait for more!