Reviews for The Girl With A Flower
CaliforniaDreamin03 chapter 1 . 8/26/2014
Love it! Really its the best one I've read:)
risenfromash chapter 1 . 6/7/2014
I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees the sexual tension between these two- hell, she has to get drunk when his ex shows up! Thanks for giving me an idea if what their future could be like...I wish they'd made a sequel!
ChamberlinofMusic chapter 1 . 12/18/2013
This was awesome, thanks!
Rumbleroar'sSlumberingCubs chapter 1 . 3/7/2013
I just watched Push after a while and was like: Okay, I know it's weird, but I absoloutley ship Cassie and Nick. Then I saw this fic and wanted to try it. PERFECTLY SHOWING HOW I FEEL ABOUT THE RELATIONSHIP! AMAZING JOB!
Makokam chapter 1 . 2/15/2013
So, I came on the site to look for fanfics for an entriely different movie. And as I was scrolling through the Top 200(which is how it's displayed in the mobile version) I saw Push and said, "Oh hey. Push. I should check that out." So, I tabbed it, found the movie I was looking for, but no immedietly interesting fics, so I came over here and this fic was at the top of the page. I read the description, said, "Heh. Interesting. Okay, I'll bite." And here we are.

Not a great story, but the narration and flow was pretty well done. Thought his confession got a little harsh with the "almost yelling" and all. Kind of curious as to why they were talking in the bedroom. Thought you might have been setting up a sex scene. And whose bed was it for that matter? And how old would this make Cassie? She was...13? In the movie? Plus a minimum of two years, so...16-ish? Bout that age a girl really starts looking like an adult.
At what point in this timeline did Kyra leave? Did Cassie do anything that might have given her ideas? Maybe mouthing, "Mine, bitch" while giving Nick a hug?

So many questions. So much untold story.

It was a fun read though. Good job.

Makokam out.
fumiko-malefoy chapter 1 . 1/25/2013
Love it !
Nice story. This pairing is one of my OTP. :)