Reviews for Snape's Real Agenda
Matt chapter 4 . 9/14
So they're keeping things a secret but Harry doesn't bother to put up a ward to keep people out or let him know when someone comes in or anything? So basically he's a complete idiot. Wow. I can't even be bothered to read this any more.
Matt chapter 2 . 9/14
What? A week old? On the 7th of August 1981, Harry was just over a year old, not a week old! He was born July 31, 1980 unless you changed his birth date in this story. Some people do but you have to tell us about it or we don't know. He was 15 months old on October 31 1981 when his parents were killed. That's quite confusing - you really should fix it.
Bluewolf80 chapter 2 . 10/10/2019
Harry was born July 31, 1980. Not 1981.
Just like Hermione was born in September of 1979!
They’d be pushing 40 now!
Eldersprig chapter 12 . 7/19/2019
Court might have reviewed the evidence and issued an annulment. He did kidnap her, lie to her and create a Lily-substitute who died. He could probably be charged as an accessory to murder.
HoneyBear84 chapter 1 . 6/1/2018
Loved it and wish there was a bit of a future epilogue
Fallow54 chapter 13 . 4/6/2018
xxx KUDOS xxx : )
fifespice chapter 13 . 3/30/2018
love it
fifespice chapter 12 . 3/30/2018
aww love it
fifespice chapter 10 . 3/30/2018
hope snape pays git
fifespice chapter 9 . 3/30/2018
he he love it
fifespice chapter 8 . 3/30/2018
finally she was told the truth and awesome present for harry
fifespice chapter 6 . 3/30/2018
what a bastard your snape is
fifespice chapter 5 . 3/30/2018
poor harry lily is a stupid bitch then if i were harry id send her the memories of his life
fifespice chapter 4 . 3/30/2018
love this hope charlie tells them soon
fifespice chapter 3 . 3/30/2018
snape is an idiot and poor harry
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