Reviews for The House of Hades
Alriana chapter 23 . 3/20/2019
This was great! What is the boy's name? And please write more.

GingeredFangirl chapter 1 . 2/11/2014
Felix! :D :D :D
cred1998 chapter 23 . 2/11/2014
Is it someone from the Kane Chronicles? Felix?
RaawrTastic chapter 22 . 2/6/2014
I enjoyed this chapter - of course, Calypso's appearance was a surprise and unexpected by I've always loved surprises. Hazel seems to be getting more and more attached to Leo which is a plus considering I'm a huge Lazel fan. c:
welovelizards chapter 22 . 2/6/2014
Oh no no no no no no no no...Calypso can't come in now! Thankfully she's gone...I really hope she doesn't come back...
BUT oh my gods Hazel's thoughts were adorable! Just admit it, Hazel. Admit you like Leo. You know it's true... :D
Your writing skills are phenomenal, like always. Even though I personally can't stand Calypso, I really enjoyed this chapter. And not just because of the Lazel undertones; the rest of it was fantastic as well!
Obviously, I'm seriously looking forward to the Blood of Olympus! Though I'm going to be so upset when the series is over...I also can't wait for Exposure by Kathy Reichs, which is the fourth book in the Virals series and comes out in a month!
Update really, really soon because I need to see my Lazel have a happy ending!
welovelizards chapter 21 . 1/21/2014
Oh my gods, I'm so sorry that this took so long...I haven't been on FanFiction in a while and I'm sooooo sorry that I haven't reviewed sooner! But this was really, really good! And THE MOMENT WE'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR (or maybe just me haha) IS FINALLY COMING! And you're really excited for it, which means I am fifty times more excited! MY LAZEL IS COMING AND I CAN FEEL IT! :D. If they're going to kiss (oh, sorry, I mean WHEN they kiss), I know it will be so beyond perfect...because, well, it's you!
As for your question, I don't know! That's really hard because you're so good at everything...I want to say character development, because you write the characters SO WELL, and I want to say romance for obvious reasons :) but I don't know...I think I'm going to go with action, because your action scenes are so exciting and vivid, and I'm super impressed by anyone who can write an excellent action scene (and that does not include me).
Now you have me on the edge of my seat...UPDATE SOON! THE HAZEL CHAPTER IS ALMOST HERE!
RaawrTastic chapter 21 . 1/15/2014
Great chapter! I always have loved Jason. Can't wait for Hazel's POV though. I personally think you write suspense the best... Idk, its just something about the way each chapter s me anticipating the next...I also watched Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters and I was completely disappointed with. Majority of the plot was completely changed!
welovelizards chapter 20 . 1/7/2014
I'm so sorry for not reading this sooner! As you already know, I did practically nothing for New Year's...Oh well. My FanFiction is slightly better now because of it.
Anyways, this story still keeps getting better and better! You have me on the edge of my seat every time, and you have no idea how much I wish this was the actual House of Hades. You write Jason really well. Well, actually, you write everything well, but I enjoyed this chapter.
Fingers crossed for a fluffy Hazel chapter soon! You're amazing!
RaawrTastic chapter 20 . 1/5/2014
I am so in love with this version of The House of Hades! Its more than satisfactory! And to answer your question, my New Years was nothing special other than drinking sparkle. ;)
Awesome as Annabeth chapter 1 . 1/1/2014
Awesome cliffhanger.
AnnabethandPercyJackson17 chapter 19 . 1/1/2014
I really like this story :)
Anonomous101 chapter 1 . 12/17/2013
Awesome I really like it!
elle chapter 19 . 12/16/2013
demigodsrule36 chapter 19 . 11/17/2013
the house of hades was amazing. the author left you waiting for the next book in a way that makes you want to die if you don't read the other book right? so great story by the way. keep on writing
demigodsrule36 chapter 18 . 11/17/2013
you should make a book about something.
this is a great chapter. can you make a blood of olympus?
you should do a fanfiction of all the percy jackson and the heroes of olympus books?
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