Reviews for Monster
Faybian chapter 8 . 9/9/2019
Great story!
Terry Kay chapter 8 . 9/15/2015
Taut, scary, had me on edge throughout. Thank you!
Ash chapter 8 . 6/30/2014
Lovedddd it!
SaraBahama chapter 8 . 3/16/2014
That was incredible! Wonderfully plotted! Well done, you!
Monsterprincess chapter 1 . 2/7/2014
After reading the first chapter of Overkill (please, update :o) ) I checked out the rest of your stories. I don't normally check out too many author's other stories but for you some reason I did. First I read the Todd story "Broken Pieces". I thought that's where your stories were starting from when I seen that they were continued. After Broken Pieces I moved onto The Distance, Innuendo (loved!) and then back tracked to the Lonely. When reading the Lonely, I didn't realize that it was a part of the others until I got to the part where Molly got kidnapped and started putting the pieces together when in the Broken Pieces story it is mentioned about Molly recovering from broken ribs and collapsed lung. So when Molly got kidnapped I remembered the broken ribs and was like, hmmmm. Great story series you have going on. Now I am all done with Monster and I'm so glad I started reading the other day. Yes, I have been doing a lot of reading lol.
Princess of Imagination chapter 8 . 1/16/2014
Lovely story! Loved it from start to end! Adding it to my favs!
Moonlit Musings chapter 8 . 8/11/2013
That was just, wow. That was fantastic! I loved it. Very well done. :)
maria holmes chapter 8 . 8/7/2013
This series of short mystery stories has been incredible! I loved the twists on the original Doyle stories and the way you incorporated S&M's blooming relationship _ Do you plan on writing any more of these? It would be brilliant! Thank you
llamaslobber chapter 8 . 7/30/2013
I very much enjoyed this story! The song by Einaudi is perfect for it, too. Great work!
Guest chapter 5 . 7/7/2013
Vashti chapter 8 . 6/14/2013
Excellent story! The execution is wonderful. I particularly appreciate that Sherlock-in-love is still Sherlock. He's amazing but not perfect & just as annoying as ever. I also looked Molly's last lines to him about doing things for herself again. Yes she's the victim, but she's not a helpless damsel either.
Elixir.BB chapter 8 . 6/8/2013
I love you. You know want to know what I really feel about this story? I'll tell you. It sums up in three little words. I love you. I love how you've written this, I love how you've incorporated all the characters (Sarah as Mary! I LOVE IT!) and I love the way you've written Sherlock and Molly. The way you write them, at least, the way I see it, their relationship has a lot to do with the little things, with the touches and the devotion Sherlock showed in getting her back, it's how he admits that he should have been paying more attention, it's in how Molly knows his emotions, how he acts when he's jealous and when she knows he's not, it's how Sherlock didn't run away like Mycroft and John thought and feared he would and it's how he freely admits how much he wants and needs Molly. He needs her. Just like she needs him. This is why I love you. Because you take all the small things in their relationship and you make them into big things.

You are a fantastic writer and I stand by it when I say you are one of my favorites. I always look forward to your stories and I love how you ended this. It's been a whirlwind of you taking my feels and tearing and putting them back together and I am so happy to have read this story from beginning to end. This was and will continue to be fantastic. Just like everything you write. Bravo, my dear, for writing this and for writing it so beautifully.
Rocking the Redhead chapter 8 . 6/6/2013
Nice job! Have enjoyed this immensely
cate chapter 8 . 6/6/2013
Your series is a very good one. You've fleshed out the characters rather well. Thanks for sharing.
detepe chapter 8 . 6/6/2013
My favorite kind of fic - one that makes it hard to stop reading! Really like the story.
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