Reviews for Shadowed
ColonelJayWrites chapter 1 . 6/11
Astonishing. I, I don't know how to describe it.

I was listening to Limitless Potential by Joel Nielsen (Black Mesa? For legal reasons, that's a joke. Cave? Cave!? DON'T KILL Mand I started shivering from excitement near the end. I'm currently reading all your stories. I am hyped.

Anyways, thanks for the amazing fic! I loved how Companion and Doug bonded IN the cube! Absolutely great. Go team!
Silverstreams chapter 1 . 1/24/2013
This is beautiful and wonderful and I love it very much.

The way you write Doug and his companion cube feels so spot on-and I do really love that they all ended up together like that. It makes me happy, though also a little sad. Bittersweet. But that's the sign of good writing-making people feel things.
Reader chapter 1 . 1/24/2013
I'm so reading this.

Interesting story with an interesting twist. I like it.
renegademechanic chapter 1 . 1/24/2013
Wow, this is beautiful!

First off, I want to say, I'd never thought of Doug being written in first-person before, but it works SO WELL with everything. I love your style a lot. It almost feels like Doug is writing in a sorta journal... it's very effective. Also, the way you wrote the Doug/cube interaction, too... perfect, it feels so very in-character and I can almost imagine it as vividly as Lab Rat itself. SO SWEET, Doug's shyness toward Chell, his fear that she might not be real... just ! and I also really love when Doug says her name aloud for the first time... gosh, GOSH this is sweet and perfect, tragic and heartbreaking at the end, but at the same time, I sorta feel okay about it. They'll all be together now...

I loved Chell in this, too-the way she sees Aperture, what she thinks of both Doug and Wheatley. Also the scene where Doug is caught was quite creepy and depicted his paranoia perfectly. Thank you so much for writing this!

(Gosh you really do write Doug so wonderfully. Please never stop :3)