Reviews for 20 Things Mitobe Doesn't Say
Stargazer chapter 1 . 4/22/2017
I absolutely love this.
Thank you for sharing.
EdoLevy chapter 1 . 6/24/2016
Omfg awwww I love that adorable mute giant and I wanna snuggle him. Tbh I'm just gonna end up voluntarily mute by adult hood less people to deal with
Aleavon chapter 1 . 9/28/2015
Awhh... I randomly found this while surfing and I love it! 3
Keep up the good work! :D

Fi Suki Saki chapter 1 . 6/2/2015
Honestly I'm still curious with canon how Koganei the only one who understand Mitobe as if they do telepathic thing and hearing it loud and clear.

But I accept the cat theory. After all, it was not fully true that cat communicate only by meow-ing. They barely talk and only noisy if they get irritated or confused or panicked.

Maybe as Cat-like person, Koganei see Mitobe like calm and silent cat? huh...?


Lovely and Adorable fic. Though I still don't understand the first part...
jenina chapter 1 . 5/22/2015
even though it's fine for mitobe that way,that he doesn't talk.. although fans really want to hear his voice. they're even telling he's cute. i for one too.. find him cute and like me a lot of times
InkOfThePearl chapter 1 . 3/14/2015
That was beautiful...especially the part where Koganei is his voice like Kagami is Kuroko's light...
Apocalypse owner chapter 1 . 9/13/2014
Oh the Cat, THE CAT! It was a nice touch!
MeLoNnAiSE chapter 1 . 8/24/2014
Awww! This was actually really sweet! :D
I've always been curious about Mitobe and you explain it so well without outright saying it.

Thank you for writing this little short installment of wonderfulness! :)
Gemonie03 chapter 1 . 11/14/2013
The phone call is perfect. That's exactly the way I assume they do it :D
Twinss R chapter 1 . 8/23/2013
Oooh man, that was lovely! :D
I really liked reading all these sides of Mitobe... or more like, Mitobe the way he truly is.
Everything was perfect here: spelling, grammar, variety of words and the like.
The first part kind of confused me though, to be honest but still, I'm honestly satisfied with this. :)

Oooh and that part with the phone call hahahahahha I was laughing so hard... x'D I actually can so imagine this hahaha x"D
So yeah.. Excellent job! :D I wish you'd write more fanfictions with Mitobe but I guess I shouldn't be greedy. :p (and by the way, seeing that this is the only Kuroko No Basket fanfiction you've written.. Well d amn, it's a really good job. O: )
Helen chapter 1 . 6/10/2013
bakemonochrome chapter 1 . 4/3/2013
My god, I love this, because you've fully justified Mitobe's 'nonspeaking' into something completely concrete. And you've given us a vivid view into his mind. His family his huge. He could easily be swallowed up and feel like talking isn't necessary, like in order to make things better for people he should just listen more and keep most of his thoughts to himself. It's a bittersweet fic, but it's got it sort of on a compromising level. There's enough bitter for the sweet to level out. I especially loved the phone call with hyuga. Very cute idea.
Nice job!
Nani chapter 1 . 3/6/2013
Holy god this was too cute, aaaghhh... I'm gettign a lot of Mitobe feels- I'm gettign a lot of feels in general but dangit I'm really glad this is in existence...! Thank you for writing this, it was very nice, and and enjoyable. I look forward to seeing more from you if you ever post here again!

In the meantime, have a wonderful life!
TunaForDesert chapter 1 . 2/19/2013
#12 makes me laugh :D
It's very funny how Koga's family treat Mitobe like their cat
Lexystrife chapter 1 . 1/31/2013
Nice XD I always love Mitobe and this fic made my day!
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