Reviews for Multicolored
Ayjah chapter 13 . 3/5/2019
Amazing. Utterly amazing. Thank you.
Guest chapter 13 . 12/5/2018
So cool!
Guest chapter 4 . 12/5/2018
Hulk getting to hang out and learn to play when there's no threat around is a not-so-secret fave of mine. One of my favorite analyses of him called him an equivalent to a "gigantic toddler", because he knows how to smash and delights in it, but has never been free to learn words for the things he sees or do pretty much anything but get hurt, defend himself, and run like hell, but once he has that chance...
Guest chapter 2 . 12/5/2018
I'm giggling and calling for JARVIS intermittently for a while now. If he was properly on top of monitoring the whole Tower, most especially the Team, he could keep an eye on Bruce and make notes of any hints of the other facets. And JARVIS can be asked to politely keep his overwatch to himself unless something comes up that requires aid, thus protecting Bruce's privacy.
JARVIS can also show his surveillance records to prove any visible and recordable proof of events, including to Dr. Banner if need be. I was a little surprised that no one thought to ask him where the drawings came from, even when they were thinking it was a fan's work mailed in.
But I guess he'd make a lot of the progression of the interactions and plot moot, so he's politely keeping quiet - or one of Bruce's other selves had a chance to ask him to do so early on.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/5/2018
I like how "the Doctor" is silver. A nice deviance from the more commonly used primary and secondary colors, and also looking quite nice. A common note about Dr. Banner's appearance is a dusting of grey in his hair - but a lot of "grey hair" is actually silver, so it could be argued that the common tinting is a side effect of his Doctor side being close to the surface almost all the time when he was traveling and not green, and not just a result of stress. Most likely, it would only get a bit more prominent when his Doctor side is pulled forward, but i/someone/i has got to think of it and make the joke eventually, yeah? XD
Mystiboop chapter 13 . 6/16/2018
This was one of the most amazing fanfiction that I have ever read (which should mean something since I've been reading fanfic for more than 10 years). Your writing style is amazing and absolutely wonderful. The story was heartwarming and so incredibly original that I'm sure I will keep going back to it for several more times in the future because it was such a joy to read. I really loved the ending, because it was so warming and comforting. Even though I would love to read more about Bruce and his personalities, it didn't feel like it kept me hanging, like there was anything missing to the story that was not told.
A truly heartfelt thank you for this breathtaking experience.
batmanrox244 chapter 1 . 1/25/2017
I agree with hail-hydration16 I have been trying to track this for roughly a week. all I remembered about it from when I read it a couple years ago was that an avenger found a kid's drawing of the group on the kitchen counter.
hail-hydration19 chapter 2 . 10/16/2016
This is one of my favorite fanfiction, I was trying to track it down for 3 days
AnimeFan202 chapter 13 . 5/29/2016
I've finally reached story's end... What to say about the final chapter? Well, I loved it. There's that. I loved seeing the team settling back into their form of normal. I loved the Hulk's reaction to learning about the other alters. And I loved that you didn't give it an overly happy, bullshitty ending. Bruce still has a long way to go, and they will continue to grow as a team.

I think you did a fabulous job with this story, professional psychologist or not, and I may just have to look into those books after all.
Good job! And I hope you're still writing!
AnimeFan202 chapter 12 . 5/29/2016
I kind of love that Robby's reasoning for not drawing Hulk or Bruce with the team was so simple. And here I was, envisioning some complex, psychological reason.

This chapter was... sweet. I'm not sure I have another word for it. It certainly leaves off on a hopeful note. XD And while I do kind of wish that Tony had immediately run through the Tower gloating to the other Avengers... I'm glad he learned something from this experience.
AnimeFan202 chapter 11 . 5/29/2016
Oh... This chapter hurt. I mean, I knew it would, what with Bruce finally confronting Tony after that last chapter, but still... Ow.

I like that you took this time to finally fill Bruce in. It may feel like a lot for one chapter, but it really just felt like the right time, and apparently the other alters agreed.
AnimeFan202 chapter 10 . 5/29/2016
Oh, Tony... Getting on the alters' bad sides probably isn't the best idea... I do like how defensive he was though, that he wouldn't believe that any part of Bruce could be truly bad, not even one named Monster.
But poor Bruce, caught in the middle of all this. :(

There were a lot of really interesting things in this chapter. For one, I like your interpretation of 'dangerous' for the alters. That Monster is most dangerous to himself, (and thus, all of them) not others. Bruce's form of DID was triggered by a need to protect himself, after all.

Also, the idea that Honey is still around because Bruce never truly allowed himself to grieve for his mother... Well, it explains at least, how some of the alters could disappear after time, if she ever appears long enough to finish the grieving process.

Now the real question is... How much will Bruce remember when he wakes up?
AnimeFan202 chapter 9 . 5/29/2016
Oh boy, Tony having an idea can have mixed results...

I know the whole Avengers movie night plotline is a little clichéd by now, but I still really enjoy it. This is what we read fanfiction for... It's awesome to watch them all be badass and whatnot in their canon fights, but I love seeing their banal little moments. When they're interacting as people, not superheroes.

And it's an interesting idea that there could be a side to Bruce that's even more dangerous than the Hulk.
AnimeFan202 chapter 8 . 5/29/2016
I'll be honest, this 'Team finds a baby and has to take care of it' plot point has never really appealed to be, no matter the fandom. But it introduced another alter, so it did its job at least.

I accept your explanation that Papa stems from the father Bruce would have liked to have, (it is your story after all) but I've also got the sneaking suspicion, Papa is the father Bruce would like to be himself one day. I assume he gave up the idea of a traditional family when he became the Hulk, but I'm sure he still thinks about it from time to time.

I am glad Bruce is making progress, though. :) I worry about the seemingly inevitable time when someone let's the cat out of the bag...
Alex chapter 13 . 4/25/2016
Hi there,
I have MPD/DID and must say, this is very well written. Both your storytelling skills and your medical facts are brilliant, and I hope you keep writing in the future.
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