Reviews for Numb Like Her
Love.Fiction.2020 chapter 8 . 11/4/2017
TheInsanityThatHidesWithin chapter 35 . 3/13/2017
Oh my goodness, I love this story so much! Your writing is so amazing, and Talia is such an intriguing character! Well done, truly!
HHHOOHHH chapter 1 . 5/14/2015
Extremely well done. You pulled off a story that many can't quite capture. Beautiful work
Op-fan chapter 35 . 4/11/2015
I'm so angry!
This is a wonderful story! But this ending... agh!
Well done, though... till chapter 33.
Jenn chapter 35 . 4/8/2015
This was amazing. I read the fan fic of the late 1990s, and fell back into it now, as an old lady of almost 30. Thank you for the trip of nostalgia. This is the best fan fic I have ever read. Developed, suspenseful and incredible. Thank you so much.
Jenn chapter 11 . 4/7/2015
Ooooh! A nice long fanfic! Love it so far, can't wait to read more
SilverShoes17 chapter 35 . 12/10/2014
Ok I know this is old and you might now be on fanfiction anymore but I'm reviewing anyway.

To start, this will be a MOTHER-OF-A-CRAZY-ASS-LONG review, as I read the entire story in like, 11 hours. (That should tell you something right there!) I decided to look in the rated M section, to see if there was anything other than the smut one shots people seem to like to write, and I came across this and saw "Jack&OC" and I was like sure ok. I THEN saw "Status:Complete" and did a triumphant fist pump in the air because I rarely find complete fics. All that took my interest, in addition to your summary.

So I started reading and was extremely interested in Talia and Jack's relationship. It seemed very complicated, but simple at the same time. The way they acted towards each other almost made it seem as if they were together already, in a sense, or on their way to it. I could see it was a strong bond between them, whatever it was. I loved how Jack was always concerned for her, for her emotions as well as her physical safety and well-being. And he told her so, though not the direct words, or words at all, so many times. He wasn't always nice about it either, which I actually quite enjoyed. His frustration, and when he got physical with that frustration, at her choices (which he let her make on her own, rather than making them for her) was very refreshing to the sweet guy other authors write him as. I really liked how you made him physically aggressive towards Talia at some points, though it was always to make her realize something, that she could have a better life if she only wanted it bad enough. To open her eyes to see that she really wasn't happy and deserved more than she had. Just him being physically aggressive overall, seems more in character for him, based on the movie. Very interesting to see, again as Jack is always made out to be a sweet guy who would never hurt a lady in other fics.

I just liked their relationship overall, because they started out as friends, or whatever they were before. It's not like he met her one day and they began a relationship. It developed slowly, they learned stuff about each other first, became comfortable sharing personal information. Like when they sat on the docks or the roof and just talked. It was nice. Then they realized they didn't want to be without each other. I really liked one line you wrote, can't remember it exactly. Something like "he was the worst thing that happened to her, and she wouldn't trade that for anything" or the gist of that.

You wrote the prostitution side of this very well. Talia's emotions and whatnot about it. How it scarred her for life, she didn't think she could escape it, etc. We actually just had a unit on human trafficking in one of my classes, so the Underground gave more a lot more insight into that. I also love how you wrote about the Underground and her rehabilitation after Medda and Toby rescued her. You wrote Jack's emotions very well here too, I was able to picture how he was heartbroken to see Talia bruised and beaten and livid at those her made her like that at the same time. I love the scene when he took Talia to the stairs and told her to meet him halfway. Again, he was physically aggressive, and for some reason I love that, he wasn't afraid to hurt her. He wanted her to realize that she does indeed have limits at that point in her recovery, and the only way she would see that was if he challenged her.

And then when he supported her completely and genuinely through the entire story. And I'm going to stop talking about them because I have a lot more I want to review about.

David. He was amazing. I like how you referred to him as the conscience of the group, especially for Jack. He kept him in check, as much as he could. A lot of authors forget he even exists, unless it's a Javid fic or a rewrite of the movie. I liked how the boys teased him about small things all in good fun. Again, I could write a review about his role, but I won't.

I really love how Medda (and Toby, I mean, no one talks about Toby!) cared about Talia. Like a daughter, something she never truly had. How she gave her the job and a place to stay (and be safe). How she was so distraught when she was missing, and even more so when she found she was at the Underground. How she cared for her when they rescued her (and tried to protect Jack's emotions by telling him to not see her, though that didn't work). I could tell they had a special bond, especially with the fact that Medda used to be a sex worker too.

Lastly, you brought back little things from previous chapters in the ones closer to the end. Like Talia/Ira recognizing Garrison's wife by her ring. When she saw it in the newspaper, I thought there was more to it than just admiring the jewelry, it wouldn't be mentioned if it wasn't important. And when you brought the final chapter back to the docks where Ira tried to commit suicide. And the line, I LOVE that you brought it back, it's perfect, like literally perfect. "You ruined me." Perfection. Brilliance. Amazing.

Told you it was going to be a mother of a crazy ass long review. Even if you don't see this, I feel better at least just writing it!
MaggieMcCartney chapter 34 . 2/25/2014
Wow...I love this story so much! I've been looking everywhere for a good Jack story and I am so happy I finally found one. The plot is fantastic and I found myself sacrificing sleep because I wanted to finish it. Thanks for writing it! I'm eagerly awaiting the sequel.
Gillian chapter 1 . 12/29/2013
I just finished this and I think I'm going to read it again because it was so good! Please post the sequel soon! I swear, this is probably the best story I've read on this website, and believe me, I've read a lot. I love this story so much!
HannahCx chapter 34 . 12/5/2013
oh my gosh. I can't beleive it... is she dead? omgomg UPDATE PLZ
Jules chapter 29 . 10/12/2013
HuntressDaugher chapter 22 . 10/3/2013
I apologize for being twenty-something chapters late, but woah goodness. I hope this means Spot's coming.

Oddly enough, I wasn't missing him…

This is really great; please keep updating.
TinkerbellxO chapter 27 . 9/23/2013
They are definitely in deep. Lovely chapter you have here. Heartbreaking.

Can't wait for more!
Guest chapter 26 . 9/19/2013
TinkerbellxO chapter 25 . 9/12/2013
Wow. This made me tear up. Hope Rockefeller gets his! And I hope that Talia recovers. Please update soon!

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