Reviews for Dive to the Heart
Tic Toc chapter 12 . 6/15/2017
Suddenly the ground started shaking Jasmine! Aladdin said run! Before Tic Toc gets you but she was afraid to run. It's ok Jasmine I'm here Aladdin said come on you can do it you're a princess. Aladdin I'm to scared to run away from Tic Toc. Jasmine said don't worry Jasmine I'm over here trust me I'll get you I promise. Aladdin you got me Jasmine said happy as she fell in his arms. See I told you that you didn't have to be afraid of Tic Toc I was right here for you the whole time! Thanks Aladdin Jasmine said I love you I love you to Jasmine as they kissed each other.
NuncaNiem chapter 12 . 1/29/2017
I don't understand why there're so few reviews. This is fantastic! Cheer up!
JennaCatLawson chapter 1 . 2/25/2015
I know it's been a few years, but I hope you see this.
I have always loved this story. I had it saved to my computer, and I couldn't find it again.
And after searching for years, I finally found it again.
I absolutely loved this story, (pirates are the shit) and I wanted you to know that I still read!
I live what you did to the characters, and for a story you wrote when you were 12... this is really good.
I know how hard it is to post something and not have anyone pay attention... it sucks.
But I'm your number 1 fan so...thank you for the great story! :)
Sutter Finicky chapter 7 . 12/12/2014
This was an okay chapter. It didn't seem to move the story all that much though, all that happened was characters going from point A to point B without much resistance. I would have liked to see Mushu have to go through the prcedure of trying to disguise her as a man. Would have been funny.

Another thing that would help if you could find a balance between writing dialog and actions. Cause sometimes you write dialog that moved the story along but felt confusing overall on where their going and way.

I don't say this to be mean, Infact the last thing I wanna do is insult a writer when I'm reviewing their work. I hope this helps you and I plan on reading the next chapter soon.
Sutter Finicky chapter 5 . 9/16/2014
This is good, kinda find it problematic that Sora, Donald and Goofy witness a murder by a gun, I know it happens in the game and it bothered me there too. I would have liked to see a different way for this whole situation to resolve itself, not in a kid-friendly way but a way that isn't so faithful to the game.

Other than that no real complaints from me, keep writing, hope to see low from you soon :)
Sutter Finicky chapter 4 . 4/14/2014
Eleanor seemed to struggle allot in this chapter she doesn't have much to do rather than struggle kind of.

It was a nice mini-boss fight with the nightmarish creature which was handled well and the whole ordeal with the pirates was also handled well.

This seems to be a step forward here, mostly a positive chapter and that's good considering its been a while since an update.

Hope to see more soon :)
Sutter Finicky chapter 3 . 9/15/2013
Not bad quite an improvement from the previous two chapters; I liked way you drawed Elenor with some fearlessness along with reluctance to leave a fight.

The dive into heart was entertaining the words said seem very KH like which was cool and helps lay a foundation for a bigger story ahead.

Overall nice improvement and hope too see more.
Sutter Finicky chapter 2 . 7/8/2013
Not bad i like the slow pacing of the story taking time to explain what this stories suppose to be.

But it's sorta boring Elenor seems dry as a stump I know it's only been 2 chapters but so far there's nothing there for her.

I do like however the setting of looking from a perspective of a resident of a certain world seeing people passing buy in their world it's an interesting take.

I like this story hope you update soon