Reviews for Into the Fray
Zenappa chapter 1 . 4/4/2013
AHHHHHHHH I LOVE THIS WAY TOO MUCH :)))) this has got to be my favorite pairing and in dying. I love your writings and I can't wait read more from you! :)
caeli1701 chapter 1 . 3/30/2013
This is wonderful. I love it! First San/San fic I've ever read, by the way. Now I definitely want to read more :)
bee chapter 1 . 2/24/2013
i absolutely loved this! sandor and sansa are one of my favorite plots. this was so well written. simple, and sweet. 3
Midnightdawn67 chapter 1 . 2/1/2013
A scene written perfectly for the series! Too bad you arent a writer for GoT! Too bad also, that in the end our boy ditches the Battle...and "his" lady; but we all know why(wildfire, final straw with Imp/Joff, etc). And at least he offered her a chance to leave, too(scarey though it was).
No matter...loved this. You should write more, in fact. Loved Shae; tv!Shae is such a great character, imo.