Reviews for Blatant Lies
Guest chapter 11 . 6/9
I read both parts in one day, I love this story so much and I really really really hope you finish it:)
ShannonAlexis chapter 11 . 1/24
More please!
KyoKittenFan chapter 1 . 10/20/2019
i know it's been a couple years, but here's to hoping you finish this one day
BrokenPheonix chapter 1 . 1/25/2018
love the story so far can't wait until the next chapter!
SPN Mum chapter 11 . 11/5/2017
I'm happy that Bobby is going to be the main one dealing with Sam. Bobby has more patience with Sam, and he doesn't have to play the hero either, like Dean feels he must. Bobby can just be there for Sam, whenever Sam feels like talking, and Sam can start to get better if he doesn't have anyone pushing him.
Katlover98 chapter 11 . 11/5/2017
Aww, poor boys at least they have Bobby
SPN Mum chapter 10 . 11/3/2017
Dean just keeps blowing it with Sam. :( I wish Sam would ask Dean to leave, and be willing to stay with Bobby, because Sam should be able to trust Bobby. Bobby hasn't continuously lied to Sam like Dean has. I'm afraid of what will happen to Sam if he leaves. Sam isn't exactly thinking straight right now.
SPN Mum chapter 9 . 10/25/2017
Poor Sam is such a mess now. He really needs to face those memories, before they kill him. Dean has the right feelings behind wanting to help Sam, but he's going about it all wrong. It would be nice if Bobby knew someone that could help Sam, besides the werewolf doctor who supplies the meds. Dean is going to have a tough time getting rid of 'Lucifer', who is really Sam's alter-ego at this point, which is why he's helping as well as hurting Sam. I think it will take a miracle to help Sam now. :(
mandancie chapter 9 . 10/25/2017
Guest chapter 8 . 10/23/2017
SO GOOD! cant wait for updates!
SPN Mum chapter 8 . 10/22/2017
Bobby's right, Sam just can't catch a break. It was bad enough for Sam to have to deal with his memories of what the clown did to him, but now that he has Lucifer back, reminding Sam of what he did in the Cage, it's way worse for Sam. :( Dean really needs to have a talk with Sam, no matter how emotional it gets, and explain why he was throwing up. He needs to let Sam know that it isn't Sam he's disgusted with, but the ones who hurt Sam, and himself for not helping Sam avoid the trouble in the first place. I just hope that Bobby will be able to help Sam at some point, when Dean is through lying to Sam.
Katlover98 chapter 8 . 10/22/2017
Poor boys, they can never catch a break. I hope things start looking up soon.
mandancie chapter 8 . 10/22/2017
I am so happy that I could help. I like what you came up with. Awesome chapter as always.
SPN Mum chapter 7 . 10/20/2017
Now Bobby knows about what happened to Sam when he was an eight year old, left alone all day at a Plucky's, and molested by a clown guy that worked there. He knows that Sam is seeing Lucifer again, but he doesn't know about Lucifer molesting Sam, on top of the torture, when he was in the Cage with him. All of these memories are breaking Sam, and Bobby doesn't have any experience with how to handle that, but maybe Bobby can still help Dean find help for Sam. Sam needs his self worth built up again, but Dean needing to leave to throw up, after learning about Sam's nightmare, really set them back. Sam just believes he's dirty even more now. :(
SPN Mum chapter 6 . 10/20/2017
Damn! Sam nearly made it out of the car while Dean was driving at speed! O.O If Dean hadn't managed to get a hand on him...that would have been horrible! I'm glad Sam fell asleep afterwards, so that Dean could get them to Bobby's in one piece. I wonder how much Dean will tell Bobby? Probably the more Bobby knows, the more he'll be able to help.
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