Reviews for In Retrospect
Clell65619 chapter 6 . 3/30/2011
- Very nice. An excellent tribute to the gang on the Beebop.
GameGuardian2x chapter 6 . 12/24/2010
Oh, I loved the way you did the worldbuilding for this in chapter 1. And Ed was fantastic, more mature, but still wacky as ever. Lovely work.
Anon chapter 6 . 12/21/2010
"Bye-bye," I say, as the comm fades to black. I wonder what I'm

going to do now that it's over. I can't go back to a desk job

after all this. It's time to start again, time to be someone

else. I put the comm back in my pocket, and begin the long walk


Wherever that turns out to be.


Was this guy..? Naaaah.
Murazor chapter 1 . 12/20/2010
Original format and pretty nice execution, with the canon characters being their usual selves. Definitely enjoyable.
K Mendoza chapter 6 . 7/21/2008
Man, I can't believe this old story still gets the occasional review. It's amazingly gratifying that some people are still stumbling on (and enjoying) this little experiment 6 years later, long after I stopped doing fanwork and forgot all my access information for this site.

I may never do fanfiction again, but this has inspired me to start writing my own characters once more, so thank you, reviewers!
s.lee723 chapter 6 . 7/17/2008
I loved this!

I think you kept the characters in-character well, which is always a plus. :] Keep up the great work.
stillgold chapter 4 . 2/28/2008
i think out of all the chapters, the first one was my favorite. don't take this wrong-this whole fiction was really great. just a bit rushed at the end i felt. but i love the realism in this and the part with jet and all the reporters shadowing him. please write more cowboy bebop.
Zachariya chapter 6 . 7/9/2006
Your story was great although the ending left something to be desired. A second story to go on farther would probally turn out good. You would have my attention for sure and a guaranted 1 review, LOL.

~Zachariya K. Shuzo
The Procrastinator chapter 3 . 7/14/2004
Awesome story. I am absolutely loving it so far. Your writing is fluid and the dialogue is smart. Thank you for writing such a readable and highly thrilling fic. chapter 6 . 7/8/2004
Now this was an original Bebop story (and I say that with as much respect and admiration as I can manage).

It had the sad undertones Bebop is famous for, it had the crew pretty much in character, and it was just plain good.

I enjoyed reading it, I really did. It's not everyday that I can say that, either. There are too few true Bebop fans that can write quality fiction and stick to Hajime Yatate's story line. You did a great job with this.

And the title was absolutely perfect.
R Chocolate chapter 6 . 10/19/2002
Well, this is definitely a masterpiece of writing, and not just in fanfiction though it is one of the few excellent Bebop fanfics out there. The premises here of a reporter tracking down the old gang as well as Spike being possibly alive are old hat yet you've reinvented these cliches with style, breathed new life into them. The characterizations were spot on as well as a new character who wasn't a Mary Sue or just a plot device. I could definitely see this happening in the lives of the show's character long after session 26. Great work ;)
LH-chan chapter 6 . 10/7/2002
Brilliant, absolutely brilliant.

The idea of (and the circumstances surrounding) a reporter tracking down the Bebop crew is tremendously clever, not only that, but with Mendoza you managed to create an original character worthy of the series itself. You have the charaters completely nailed. And with Jet's story of Spike, you actually expanded upon the ending without changing the original, and gave a legitimate way for Spike to be alive...or not. _

Like I said, brillant. I am impressed, and this is definately going on my favorites list. _
Silverlight chapter 6 . 9/30/2002
Oh dear GOD. Not only was that a GOOD Bebop fic, not only was it NOT Faye/Spike (rejoice, says the anti-shipper. XD), it was original, it was well-written, and it had -everyone in character, dammit.- The one that impressed me the most was Ed, I think. No one ever thinks of her as grown up, or even capable of doing so, but you've managed to push her the right way. The idea of Faye's autobiography was a stroke of pure genius, btw. Adore, adore, adore...silverlight
Carbon-Based Biped chapter 6 . 8/26/2002
EeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEEEEEEE! Absolutely amazing! EeEeEEEEEEEEE!
WingGoddess2 chapter 6 . 8/26/2002
wow, this is so good, I cant even put it in words!
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