Reviews for Courage and Sacrifice
MariamJabeen chapter 22 . 1/9/2019
I actually read somewhere that Peeta could have very easily eaten a few berries, i mean he picked a bunch and he was probably just a little hungry. I would've snuck a berry or two but he didn't...why? Because he didn't want to eat before Katniss did...
Meyers1020 chapter 1 . 11/27/2018
I'm with stjohn27. "I've got you" is incredible. I love it. I love them. I cannot believe I'm just finding this, considering I've read just about all the fics you recommended. Anyway, that was incredible.
stjohn27 chapter 26 . 1/17/2018
"I've got you"... right up there with "always"...

Even better this time around!
stjohn27 chapter 12 . 1/17/2018
I really like Peeta's observation that sometimes giving someone hope without care or concern for payback is just the right thing to do...period!

That Seam pride that would have you starve before accepting help you can't pay back drives me nuts with Katniss and Gale. You'd rather starve and keep your pride...that is just not admirable!
stjohn27 chapter 4 . 1/16/2018
Blue's nice too... bwaaaaa! Yes, it is
stjohn27 chapter 27 . 6/2/2016
Loved loved loved this story and I hope there's a sequels!
Chalayne chapter 27 . 2/19/2016
Excellent story!
ashesandelms chapter 27 . 2/8/2016
You are an amazing writer. I'm not sure if you're still checking these reviews, but I thoroughly enjoyed this story. Any chance for a sequel? Please please?
moments94 chapter 27 . 9/20/2015
I came across this story on tumblr in the MJ 100 day countdown and I'm so glad I did. I love the way you wrote Peeta, his sense of humour was great and the dynamic between him and Katniss was lovely to read. Definitely how I imagine him to be in my head.
I would definitely be interested in reading a sequel if you ever decide to do one.
Thanks again for the great read :)
Floyd in the Sky chapter 27 . 7/26/2015
You are amazing! I've been going through your stories for the last few days and let me tell you that: I loved every single one of them! I particularly enjoyed this one, and you made me very curious about the sequel you mentionnes briefly. If you ever write it, feel free to mention it to me! I feel like C&S is not truly complete and I really would like to read how you would handle the topic of the revolution in a sequel. Would you make it happen or would Peeta and Katniss convince Snow and the rest of the districts? How would it differ from canon? Would Katniss realize that she does more than care about Peeta? If you do not intend to write the sequel, I just want to let you know how truly fantastic this story has been and how I think that the number of reviews do not reflect the quality of it. (If you had put 'romance' as a genre, I'm sure that you would have had loads more, though I agree that judging a story by its genre is a shame). Well, thank you for writing this and I'll keep going through your work! Have a nice day wherever you are in the world!
NotMyBabies chapter 27 . 3/11/2015
My heart! I like how dynamic you have made Peeta. Sometimes people make him too much of a hero, but you gave him self-doubt and self-loathing in a very real way.
Guardian1165 chapter 27 . 2/10/2015
Ok, I have an account, id, whatever but I'm reviewing from my phone. Shoot a pm if you want to that name. That said...

YES! So much. I loved this story. It was absolutely incredible how you just expanded on a few interactions and emotions and the story took off. Two major comments:
Modern slang and concepts like knowledge of space seem a mite bit out of place from original setting but you can work with that. The hunger games does not take place in a functional s
MlleMisanthrope chapter 27 . 1/8/2015
I love this take on the hunger games. You have a talent for creating believable couples, and Obama especially fond of the banter.
Mermaids throwing leprechaun gold while riding the backs of rainbow vomiting unicorns are not even close to the levels of awesome that a sequel to this story would be.
moriahhh chapter 27 . 9/11/2014
I LOVED this story! If you make a sequel that would be the best
beserkerbeast chapter 27 . 8/19/2014
great story, the changes felt believable. great job
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