Reviews for The poisoned Apple
Redrose20202 chapter 4 . 2/5
Nooooooooooooooo why was the last update 7 years ago?! I have the worst luck... welp I’m still gonna beg you to finish the story even tho I have little hope bc I love it and the best part was coming! I have a weird attraction to whump, but specifically sickness, and inside that specifically fevers. The last line made me curl into a ball of giddiness. It was brilliant. I didn’t even know there wasn’t another chapter for a full minute bc I wasn’t done savoring this one.
Wonky Wendy chapter 4 . 1/23/2019
Just want to let you know that from what was written, I really like this story!
equine14 chapter 4 . 7/10/2016
Please finish this! So good!
BabyGlover chapter 4 . 5/23/2016
keep it going
Sally chapter 4 . 2/27/2016
Hey. Is there going to be another chapter, or are you just going to leave it (not) finished? I would really like it if you would finish it, and say something anything back just to let me know that you are reading my comment. Please do another chapter and say something ASAP. Thanks for making the story in the first place.
merlinfrostE chapter 4 . 11/10/2014
I am liking this, it has a nice balance of humor and brotherly love between Arthur and Merlin. Please update soon and keep up the good work
P.S: Love Gawain and his apples
guardianofdragonlore chapter 4 . 10/29/2014
What will the age be? He better look like a cute puppy dog though...
Annie chapter 4 . 7/27/2014
When will you update again?
N.a.brun chapter 4 . 7/3/2014
oh please update soon! I can't wait to see merlin turned into a little kid!
LapisAlba chapter 4 . 6/28/2014
Gwaine has an e on it
N.a.brun chapter 4 . 4/2/2014
Oh please update this! This story has so much potential!
Ryuu842 chapter 4 . 3/21/2014
Are you going to finish this story?
CrazzzzyChick2 chapter 4 . 1/20/2014
Finish please please please
ImaLady chapter 4 . 12/18/2013
Your story has a lot of potential
HaveACuppaT chapter 4 . 12/13/2013
Aww, what's gonna happen next? I can't wait to find out, Merlin would be so cute when he was little _
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