Reviews for Beg, Steal, or Borrow
PotatoPasta chapter 26 . 8/4/2018
This is just ineffably amazing! I completely lost the track of time while reading this. Thanku so much!

I’ve always loved and wanted to write about Pirate Spain and Britain. So I have this voracious appetite for reading about this AU. Well it’s much better w Fem!Characters. Hima should’ve made Italians sisters as sisters

U wrote about every I go love and even more!the whole story has nice connections of characters that flows naturally. In addition u have managed to imply historical backgrounds! Massive respect to u for ur masterpiece :)
PotatoPasta chapter 25 . 8/4/2018
Yay! Amelia is officially part of the crew! I’m so happy for her :)
And there’s one last glance until we say good bye to matt!
PotatoPasta chapter 24 . 8/4/2018
Finally the wedding! Thank u so much for writing this! Germany x Fem!Italy is my OTP ;( this rly is the first day of their lives. Beautiful wedding and a “honey moon” ;)
I’m sad that Lovi is sad though ;( I hope Toni will chase all those sadnesses away
PotatoPasta chapter 23 . 8/4/2018
they’re “using” the bed in different way that I’ve first thought ;( sweet chapter though. Amelia finally accepts how she feels about Arthur
PotatoPasta chapter 22 . 8/4/2018
That was actually very cute! Glad Luddy and Feli finally get together :D however I wanna punch that uncle in the face... what an a-hole.
Lmao Grandpa Roma give the poor guy a chance! He saved both of ur granddaughters’ lives dude!
PotatoPasta chapter 21 . 8/4/2018
Hi I’m sorry if this offend u, but first of all
It should be “Señor” for spanish and “Signore” for Italian. And “Sí” for spanish and “Sì” for Italian as well. Accents are IMPERATIVE. U also need to put an accent on spanish good bye so it’s “Adiós”. Plus, it should be “cariña”.
Now I got that outta way,
Oh man! I love this! Everting is staring to get back to the place u know what? It’s getting even better!
Toni’s gonna marry Lovi and Luddy will explain what happened to him to Feli! _
PotatoPasta chapter 20 . 8/4/2018
No Mathias ;( ;( ;( u were a douche but u were one of the most fascinating parts of the story... yet u left the story as the first casualty...
I could understand angry reviews w boundaries of course, but if someone leaves ur story bc of this, that’s just stupid af -_-
PotatoPasta chapter 19 . 8/4/2018
I’ve never even imagined! What a surprising appreance! _ I love Lizzie as well! But yeah... poor Gil ;(
Amelia knows... oh yeah... how to manipulate “rifles” ;)
PotatoPasta chapter 18 . 8/4/2018
What is happening? Who the hell is that girl and how the hell did Natalya snuck into their ship?!
PotatoPasta chapter 17 . 8/4/2018
It’s gonna be a blast in next chapter! I know u love Arthur Amelia just admit it ;) and u guys should man urselves up artie and Luddy
PotatoPasta chapter 16 . 8/3/2018
I love how u made the fem!characters here useful. Sure Amelia’s actions were ridiculous at the first few appearances but I love her now. She shows other girls how to protect themselves. Always LOVE girls w guns. Super badass

In my head canon I’ve always thought Spamano is a sexy couple not a cute couple. Tbh I was expecting Toni to seduce Lovi ;) ;) ;) But I love this cuteness as well 3
PotatoPasta chapter 15 . 7/27/2018
Awww poor Artie ;( he gets dumped after getting laid... and I think we need more spamano screen time! They’re the primary couple after all! xD yeah! It seems that it’ll be a very interesting story about what happened to Ludwig
PotatoPasta chapter 14 . 7/27/2018
Well gotta say, I enjoyed everything about this chapter! Like how all the crews had a party, how Luddy and Lovi team up whenever something comes up to Feli, and...
USUK ;) ;) ;) ;) I wished it were MORE DESCRIPTIVE but this is fantastic as well! Can’t wait to read other couples’ DEVELOPMENTS!
PotatoPasta chapter 13 . 7/27/2018
It appears that Arthur is wrong: Toni won’t sleep alone tonight ;) ;) ;) he might be making babies after all ;) ;) ;)
PotatoPasta chapter 12 . 7/25/2018
I think it’s ok for now! Since it hasn’t been long since Lovi met Toni, they need more time to feel the love ;) 3
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