Reviews for Twisted Revenge
Jhill88 chapter 18 . 6/23/2015
So would it be weird to ask how this John, Joss and Taylor are doing? I sorta forgot about this story till I read it again and now it's over and I miss them. And I'm totally weird... lol.
heart.dramione chapter 18 . 3/28/2015
love the action & romance.. great job!
ravenhusker chapter 18 . 8/24/2014
Enjoyed the story. You sure do wacko well. Right up there with angst and smut.
Though it was a little short, it was a nice ending. ;D
ravenhusker chapter 17 . 8/24/2014
Whew! They got the perp! "Good" thing that you didn't kill Root, though (darn it).

..."So mom when did you and Mr. Badass fall in love?" She continued watching him as he walked beside Finch.

..."Feels like I loved him for forever," she breathed. She turned more fully toward her son, escorting them towards the car Fusco drove for them. If she knew John, he was going to do his damnedest at convincing her he wasn't what she wanted, but he didn't know just how determined she was to keep him by her side.

...And they live to fight another chapter...;0
ravenhusker chapter 16 . 8/24/2014
Everyone's on edge here. Mr. And Mrs. Stubborn were at it again. Carter is ready to kill Root any minute now. And what flaw does Root have that Carter plans to use against her if the situation arises (besides being a sociopath)? John was crazy taking on Rhonda the way he did, but he had the skills to do it, despite his injuries. Let's see how they get out of this. On to the next chapter...
ravenhusker chapter 15 . 8/24/2014
Wow. They have to work WITH Root now. Hang on, Finch.
John and Joss act like a long-married couple. John should just give up arguing with Joss. She is just as stubborn as he is.
Let me buckle my seatbelt now...
ravenhusker chapter 14 . 8/24/2014
Yep. The battle of wills. Just like I called it.

Um, I was going to ask you about how it is that you write nut jobs soooooo well... ;}

I figured that John would track Finch via his Phone's GPS -unless Finch had it turned off, considering how paranoid he is... What did he text him? He knows where he's being kept? Man, Rhonda just keeps killing the innocents, doesn't she?

Meanwhile, where is Psycho Deluxe?
ravenhusker chapter 13 . 8/24/2014
My sentiments exactly! ARE they still working together? If not, then Rhonda took Harold to get to John -and back at Root, perhaps? And Looney-Anne just wants John dead, so that she can have free access to Harold.
Yep, I figured that Joss was going to play doctor now ;) I also think that she is going to want to come out of protective custody, so that she could help John get Harold back -so I see a huge battle of wills coming up between these two...
ravenhusker chapter 12 . 8/24/2014
Why not? ;D
Ok, Ok. They've got work to do. I get it.
Nice of them to be able to relieve a bit of stress, first.
ravenhusker chapter 11 . 8/24/2014
OH NO YOU DIDN'T! (You evil writer you) ;/. But I have the luxury of being able to move on to the next chapter without waiting for the update... ;D

I was dying of laughter during the very serious discussion about Reese's underwear, and Reese going commando. Lawd. John commando. John visualizing Joss in her thongs. Just how fast do you think Reese might have gone through her underwear drawer back at her place? Or, did he take his time -like, involuntarily slowing down to take in the scenery? (Ya think?) ;)

Um, I think that Rhonda/Amber has now turned her fixation to John. So, she's planning on a date with him, which puts Joss right back on the radar-not that she ever left the reservation. And we know that this chick doesn't like to share.

On to the good stuff...
ravenhusker chapter 10 . 8/24/2014
I can't wait until the end of the case for something to happen with them. Why in the heck would you think that THEY could? That's straight-up evil. Killer kiss, followed by -nothing. Eh!
Ok, so I was right about the Amber-George business. But does that mean that George was having an affair with a younger woman? Because that would put her around his daughter's age. I thought maybe that this girl was his daughter with this other woman...but I digress. At any rate, the chick is coo-coo for coa coa puffs -sorry Lionel)...She stayed in an apartment with a dead body for two weeks!
Still doesn't answer my question about why Root chose this particular case...
Wagons ho!
ravenhusker chapter 9 . 8/24/2014
Ok, so I was wrong. It was Amber, and not Root that ran them of the road.
Yep. That's the Root we know; the cold-blooded killer (and not this one that's working for The Machine now...)
What twist could you possibly still have left for us (besides finding Joss in John's apartment -dressed in his shirt and his bed, at that -you sly fox, you)?
Since Root has killed Amber - or maybe not, 'cause she's bleeding slowly and John might get there in time- is the threat to Carter and company over?
We know that Harold is still at risk...
Meanwhile back at the ranch, Harold has had a change of heart about John and Joss? DO tell... ;)
...And Root with 'my Harold' is creepy. I'm not sure whether she's in awe of him because of the machine, or whether she wants to jump his bones... Or both ;O
ravenhusker chapter 8 . 8/24/2014
Yep. I suspected that it was going to be Joss and Finch. Let me guess: they will not be at the accident scene by the time John gets there. Root wants Harold, and this is her opportunity to get her hands on him again. That was probably Root driving the car...
I feel that something's not right with this Amber and George business... And why did Root choose this case?
ravenhusker chapter 7 . 8/24/2014
Wow. John goes nuclear on Amber with his confessions about Joss.
Now Psycho Chick, Jr. is p-i-s-s-e-d. ...And Joss is shocked. I'm sure that Finch was apoplectic while listening in on his earpiece. ;)
Yep, Joss will be sitting in a safehouse thinking about John's confession, and not getting any sleep. ...And she just messed John up with HER confession, for good measure. (Aw yeah)...
By the way, where was Pyscho Chick Deluxe while all this was going on? Who is financing the hit men?
Something bad happens to two people? Straight up evil.
Next chapter...
ravenhusker chapter 6 . 8/23/2014
Ok, so now John's trying to get Joss to convince her "boyfriend" to go to a safehouse until this is all over. Hilarious, because she's right when she tells him that he won't go. Poor John doesn't realize that he's talking about himself. ;0
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Fusco's been shot. This should be Amber's first failure, Surely you wouldn't eliminate The Fusco?
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