Reviews for Domestic Wishes
bkwrmnlvnit chapter 1 . 8/11/2013
God...and again. You do this to me again. Blargh...

Okay. WOW. Okay. I can imagine this reaction, this scene, so CLEARLY in my head, it's amazing. He loved her so much, must have cared about her so much, after all that he'd been through...I could totally see him doing this, wanting this, NEEDING this, and then standing back.

Saying 'No', just like he always did when he wanted something. Like he did when he told the Dalek that he wouldn't let them take Rose, that he would save her and destroy them.

Because he always said 'No' when it came to endangering her or hurting her or things bigger than her, just for his own betterment. Always. And you captured that beautifully. I wish so much that this had happened. I wish so much that he didn't always say 'No', but you know, this piece really hands it to us straight, that this is who he WAS, who he would always be.

And I love the way you wrote it.

Once again, thank you so much for posting and bringing this moment and this amazing character to reality. Thanks a million, and once again, "FanTASTic!"

Iduna's Apples chapter 1 . 3/7/2013
Aww, lovely and quite angsty. Yes, when it comes to domestic, the Doctor definitely protests too much. Could very well be that he actually craves some normalcy and stability, especially Nine, poor guy. Anyway, great job :)
Artisticmom2 chapter 1 . 2/28/2013
Sniff! How sad and so sweet. Nicely done.
Lee Anna Kindred chapter 1 . 2/7/2013
This should be a chapter story :) I like it! God job!
Pig-Rabbit-Suk chapter 1 . 2/6/2013
Oh my Gods. I'm gonna die from the imagine of Eccleston with a baby.
hhhhhhyyeah chapter 1 . 2/6/2013
Oh this is so sweet but also sad I love it. I would encourage you to write more
sunshineisdelicious chapter 1 . 2/6/2013
And that was absolutely fantastic!