Reviews for Facing the Mistakes of the Past
Passerby chapter 35 . 9/26/2014
OK,glad this saga came to a conclusion.I know how hard it is to finish a story.
I thought there was going to be some expose about someone having contrived the reunion (I suspected Benji) and why it excluded those from before the movie-era (who after all came up with the oath in the first place).But,there you have it.
PK-PitchSlapper-56 chapter 35 . 7/22/2014
You can't stop it there! Not when it's just beginning for J & B! Maybe you could write a sequel if not than 1 shot's I guess... Anyway loved this story! Really great! till next time!
jessica.yip.792aka annak47fans chapter 35 . 7/21/2014
You could write one-shots
Or start another story of you have any great ideas
I can't believe this is the end of the story
I enjoyed reading it
gossipssweetlips chapter 35 . 7/21/2014
Nooo its over ,i really enjoyed this entire story,the last chapter was no exception. Carly-that bitch,i cant believe her & what she did to beca & jesse, im glad the war is over & finially J& B are back together, i definitely think you need to do future one shots of them together & their life in LA. Great story,
StoicMuch chapter 35 . 7/21/2014
Thank you for a very nice ending. I would very much like some one shots.
Raven12 chapter 35 . 7/21/2014
This story was fantastic and I would love to know what happens to J & B in the future. Thank you for taking the time in writing this amazing fic.
gossipssweetlips chapter 34 . 7/13/2014
Enjoyed reading about what happened in LA, it was a great insight onto her.
Ah finally she told eveyone the truth, hope she can mend the broken friendships she ruined,
So the war is over-im excited for last chapter
jessica.yip.792aka annak47fans chapter 34 . 7/12/2014
omg long time no read
love it
can't wait for the last chapter
elizabeth.mary.stark chapter 34 . 7/12/2014
Thanks so much for the update! You are a fantastic writer!
StoicMuch chapter 33 . 5/31/2014
I lost a whole day to this story. I'm glad I found it now and didn't have to wait for many updates. But now I join everyone else in the waiting.

Thank you
Kate chapter 33 . 5/13/2014
Great chapter I have finally read it! Good job I didn't read it sooner as I would of had to wait even longer for the next one. Can't wait to find out more. Please update soon! Xx
Guest chapter 5 . 5/7/2014
I read the whole story today again, i miss it. I hope you will update the last two chapters this week. I really want that. So please update.. I hope you update because i waited so long. Please.
Guest chapter 33 . 5/7/2014
I read the whole story today again, and i hope that you update the last two chapters this week. So please update.. Thank you. Your story is amazing and you are a great writer.. So please update
marsbarr chapter 33 . 4/14/2014
I FOUND THIS FIC AND READ IT IN TWO NIGHTS. MAKING ME STAY UP ALL NIGHT N FALL ASLEEP IN CLASS. NO REGRETS THO because I'm in love and you muuuuuust update soon because I neeeeed more
JennaBeBe chapter 1 . 4/9/2014
Chapter 1... I like it. Your style is good and I can see the character. My only constructive critique is flow. I guess bc I'm only on the first chapter lol. It is a little confusing (to me) bc it seems like she wakes up 3 different times. I understand the second 2, but when they come after the first, they seem like a redo of it. Ready to keep reading!
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