Reviews for To Remember You
kromaki chapter 1 . 6/18/2013
This is such a wonderful story! This should get more reviews :] Also, I found the song you used and looped it as I kept reading. Great choice!
Near the end, you made me wonder what would happen if the two ppl who love each other both happen to have amnesia. Would they still be able to rekindle/restart their love? (just me rambling haha) I'm still curious about what was at the haunted house XD
/goes off to read your other fics
kitkit11183 chapter 1 . 3/23/2013
Despite the premise (amnesia), the story turned out to be really sweet. I liked that. Certainly, it was Yu's personality that made this possible-he pursued despite this obstacle, and Yosuke responded. A really cute read; thank you for writing!
Namine23 chapter 1 . 3/6/2013
This was such a sweet story. I love how dedicated Yu came off and never gave up on Yosuke. An I'm still wondering what that thing that keep making those thumping noises was that made them BOTH run out of the 'haunted' house. Thank you for the wonderful story.
sephiroth-itachi chapter 1 . 2/21/2013
So good! I can't even say anything else. Just so good! An emotional Yu, just like I asked for in another review, it like you're Santa or something. Goodness I loved this. This is why I favorited you.

Until next time,


So good!
Kato chapter 1 . 2/15/2013
Wow. Just wow. I'm crying! I hardly ever do that! Good job.
aittla chapter 1 . 2/12/2013
I don't get why this dic doesn't have any comment. Well I loved it I couldn't stop reading, it was so cute till the end, congratulations.
A lurker 3 chapter 1 . 2/11/2013
I have to admit since i popped over to this section i just love reading your stories. This one though just is the best happiest thing ive read yet. Thank you so much for placing a smile on my face. 3