Reviews for May I have this dance?
Monica Jasmine chapter 3 . 5/28/2016
Luke must've been really tired to sleep right through the break slam... But hunger wakes him up! LOL. This story kept my attention well. Some things probably could've flowed a 'bit' more convincingly, but I enjoyed this. And I don't think I ever really thought about that - Who can the professor really 'talk' to? He seems the type that everyone 'else' would 'talk' to, so bringing out that aspect of things is quite an intriguing concept to explore. Thanks for the read. :)
Monica Jasmine chapter 2 . 5/28/2016
LOL. I really like Luke here too. "Or maybe you could give him another hug." So cute. :3
Monica Jasmine chapter 1 . 5/28/2016
Wardrobe... Poor Emmy. I really liked the way you wrote that first scene especially. Having Emmy feeling frustrated (with a hint of embarrassed), and Layton acting more considerately while Luke was being just a little bit impatient all felt very in-character to me. And although I don't personally see the professor and Emmy as a couple; I do admit that this first chapter was quite an engaging read. I also loved how adorably written Luke was there near the end... that part made me smile. :)
Guest chapter 3 . 10/31/2014
That was sad. But nice that he opened up to her. KEEP going! It can't end here. It simply cannot. You have to finish. I like it, don't quit on us now.
Arristo chapter 3 . 4/9/2014
The feels... :( Poor Professor...
Aww Luke, always hungry hee hee :)
This was well done! Very good job!
Arristo chapter 2 . 4/9/2014
Me: *reads the following*:
"Claire..." I stiffened when the professor uttered this name. "Is... Is that you?" I was silent as he stretched out his arms again, this time for Claire.
Luke wasn't near enough to hear the professor properly. "What did he say?"
I didn't respond to the boy though; my attention was still fixed on the professor. He groped the sheets, desperately searching for HER. "Where are you Claire?"
Swallowing past the lump in my throat, I whispered "I'm... I'm right here." Hesitantly, I crawled closer so that I lay with him on the bed.
Feeling a body beside him, the professor wound his arms around me and gave a tremulous sigh of relief. His breath felt warm against my face. "Please, don't leave me again..."
I hugged him back and assured him softly "Yes, yes, I'm right here. I won't leave you... I promise Hershel."
I remained like that for several moments- locked in an embrace not meant for me- until the professor's ragged breathing grew deeper and his pained expression finally receded. For now he had slipped into a peaceful slumber; his frame no longer rocked with unease.'
Me: *sobs uncontrollably* :'''( Just... Ruddy brilliant... So, sad... *sobs*
Arristo chapter 1 . 4/9/2014
Aww, that was so romantic! :3 And funny haha xD
Really loving this!
AnimegirlTohru chapter 3 . 3/30/2014
This is amazing! :D LaytonXEmmy is my OTP of this fandom so I loved reading this! -
LoggedOutMudkip chapter 1 . 3/10/2014
Nice story. The Clip is Actually a dream that Luke was having. Also, The Professor and Emmy End Up Petrified in the end. ;D
Larkwings chapter 3 . 8/8/2013
I kind of remember reading this story before, and all of the sudden its a threeshot! I love this, you capture Emmy so well, and handled the first person perspective like a champ (seriously, I'm always leery with reading first person POV because it tends to lead to more OOCness). Everything was so cute, I'm always a sucker for LaytonxEmmy, and I appreciate you throwing Claire into the dynamic of their relationship as it would only be natural for her to come up. This is also a nice place to end it. Leaving it at the second part would have been a little sad, but at least Emmy has some hope now :)
Dragonchu89 chapter 3 . 8/8/2013
Well done and thank you for acknowledging our request.
It needed an ending we think.
You write very well. (Though we suppose you've been told that before haven't you?)
M chapter 3 . 8/3/2013
I love this fic, it's so cute...Unfortunately Azran Legacies kinda ruined all LaytonxEmmy for me though. .A.
M chapter 2 . 8/3/2013
Poor Layton... ,_,
M chapter 1 . 8/3/2013
MissAntique chapter 3 . 8/4/2013
Oh my goodness, you made this a three-shot? *Squeals and dies from happiness* Oh my goodness this was so good! I still remember the first chapter of this and freaking out over how good it was! Layton and Emmy's conversation was so bittersweet and I loved it to death! The ending was so cute! :3 Amazing job, I loved it so much!
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