Reviews for Raising Hope
Yui Fae Kirkland chapter 3 . 12/20/2015
please update. i am really excited to know what's going to happen next. i also wanna see reborn and lambo's relationship
FujoshiFic chapter 1 . 5/9/2015
Okay hi, let me tell u one thing... It's been nearly a year since you updates and I'm here waiting like crazy and always remember this fic so please PLEASE I ask from all my heart PLEASE UPDATE please! Don't give up on this fic I really love it! Please if u lost interest just watch KHR again it's gonna give u hope! Please please update even if it is with a 1k words chapter I don't mind even if with a 500 words I WANT TO KNOW
FujoshiFic chapter 3 . 10/19/2014
This fanfic is just PREFECT! I love it! You won't understand how I love it. It's really great it has everything I ever wanted and this is the only KHR fic I'm reading cause it's the one that is written in the best way and with the best plot! :)) it has my both fav OTP (which is pretty rare.)

I found this fanfic really interesting! I love how there is still action and excitement in the story (you didn't make it lose it's mafia spark) yet you made it so cute, romantic and fluffles! You made me fall for the couples all over again!

I got so into it that i read them late at night (4AM till time for school) yea XDD I was so taken by the plot! It's really worth reading and I even had to read it very slow so I won't finish it too fast cause it's hard to find such great fics!






Ern Estine 13624 chapter 3 . 9/7/2014
interesting can't wait for more
NicoleBL chapter 3 . 6/25/2014
Lol omg Saku chan I hope I wasn't an annoying pressing on you xD! Anyway the chap is GREAT it definatly worth the wait! I love the plot in basil's part, you came with it right? I mean I've never read about this character but I love the plot you gave him here! it really hurts, the loneliness and depressed feels I mean, and it's like no one knows or realize that.. owh really hope you'll give him someone to love and someone would love him back, please do that Saku chaan t.t!
And the 8059 moment, tho I've read part of it before but it still as beautiful, especially the dialogues, Hayato's! I love it so much bcuz I've always thought Hayato can show this kinda weird, out of his usual self but honest character of him, that would be very rare to see but I can't understand why Takeshi is being this insecure and not really believing him! Reading about him like that is so sad omg.. ah guess maybe bcuz in this fic they were just bonded together, but I'd love to see how they'd get closer and bonded, trying to understand each other more, the stages of developments in their relationship! All in all I really LOVED what you did in it, all the angst and talks then the the heart-warming make up and sex, so beautiful! *hearts*
As for Tsuna, I just love him so much when he acts this stern and as the boss he is, but still so kind and warm hearted, bearing so much burdens but does never show how he really feels.. he's a very a beautiful character T.T! And him being with Hibari is soo cuute! I don't really ship them but I like them here!
oh wow sorry the review was way longer than I attended.. Anyway good job saku chan I really loved it and surely enjoyed it! Waiting for your next update! .. in the next year! lol playing with you xP Take your time but just don't kill our loved guardians!
Deactivated00424649 chapter 3 . 6/25/2014
Well the time you took was well worth it! I think the third chapter turned out amazing! So many things going on here and it was so angsty. I'm really excited to see more of Lambo, I love him in your story. The fight scene between 8059 turned out really well, I really loved the additional dialogue and the sexy end to an angsty fight! But what really wrapped this chapter up nicely was the part between 1827, it was really cute. Loved the ending and though I'm not a fan of the ship, I really do love the way you write them together. I can't wait to read chapter 4, so excited for some action

I think you're a great writer Saku-chan and I can't wait to see the progression for this fic! I'm here any time you need me, we all have our meltdowns. I especially do and couldn't make it through if it weren't for you girls! Update soon xox
NicoleBL chapter 2 . 2/15/2014
Argh! Reborn is so mean to Lambo x! Anyway, nice chapter, This is getting interesting even more! Oh thank god you made Nana return safe! I was solidifying my heart expecting bad news about her T.T! Loved 8059 moments, Very heartwarming *hearts* The weird man Gokudera saw, I was thinking that Yamamoto and chrome saw him when he ran so Hibari was sent with Shamal! ..But to know that he was unseen or something! Very weird but exciting! I had the feel that it has something to do with the new family thing? Oh and 1827, I've never read something about them before but they are very cuute here x3! I love Hibari when he's more out of his solid, cold character with Tsuna! .. Hmm and for Ryohei, there's nothing about him :'(! would be there more of him in the future? I love him!
Waiting for the next chapater :D!
NicoleBL chapter 1 . 2/14/2014
That was.. WOW, this is difenitly gonna be an AMAZING fic! although I was just in the first chapter, I can tell that! this chapter was perfect! Everyone in character as I suppose they are, and the sweeet fluff between family members! I loved the strong bond you showed they had! especially chrom's with Yamamoto and Gokudera and I loved it as much as I loved the existences of the 8059 relationship x3! she was very sweeeet and nice in this chapter! Well, I always loved her when she appeared in 8059 fics! (though it's rare, sadly) ..She's very different from the other girls in the series and you caught her character very nicely! ..Oh, and good think you made chrome and Mukuro can be together in the same time and place! cuz most fics I read they make chrome disappear for mukuro to show -.-! ..Oh and, I may mention that it was the first time I read multi-chapter with all the gaurdins dealing with the mafia business and thier work and all! so it's really exciting! feels like I'm watching a sequel for the series when Tsuna finally takes the place of vonogola boss, I love the stern, boss-like Tsuna btw X3! Hope I can see more of him that way! ..Oh and, the mission with chrom, Yamamoto and Gokudera was very enjoyable to reaaad X333! Did I say that before? anyway, it's weird what happend to Goku! I felt it was kind of illusion or something but otherwise chrom should have knew that ne? I don't know, but it's really really exciting! and the whole new family thing and smuggling thing and all! I'm very eaaaaaager to how this fic will go! ..
Ah, did I blabbered a lot? haha, I can't help it I just can't stop blabbering when I got too excited with something! hope you don't mind haha x3! .. and I'm sorry if my review has mistakes or un-understood talismans or something, I'm too lazy to re-read it to check -.-!
*small note.. you had just this word wrong and repeated over and over again, it's not (feel) when you want to say the past of fall, it's (fell) .. cuz feel is feeling you know, sensation or whatever xp!
Going to continue :D!
kunf'you'z-ed chapter 3 . 9/24/2013
I really hope that you continue this story. It's one of the few stories I feel that accurately shows how I think the characters would act as they grow older. I love how both Tsuna and Yamamoto are in relationships and you don't make their partners standoffish like other author usually do. I also love how Reborn and Lambo act, Lambo getting upset with Reborn's attitude and Reborn trying to reactions out of Lambo. I can't wait to see what happens between them.

And I'm really interested in seeing where this plot goes and what you are planning for the enemies you set up already. I personally think that waiter was very suspicious and is probably with the new Shi Famiglia (?) or the people that took Tsuna's mom. I hope you end up updating this soon! I can't wait for more! Thanx so much, bye!
FallenxLinkin chapter 2 . 3/31/2013
Ara ara... I'm so proud of Lambo! Finally standing up for himself! Now show the stingy bastard that you're not stupid and weak :))

Things are getting better and better! I can't wait for the story to develop :)
FallenxLinkin chapter 1 . 3/3/2013
This is interesting.. ne.. will you pair Reborn with Lambo too? . . I'm just curious :))

But... who was that guy? What did he do to Gokudera?

Oh so many questions swirling around me...