Reviews for Supernova
Guest chapter 5 . 7/5/2014
Please write more
Guest chapter 5 . 10/16/2013
I'd love more of this...please continue, its my second time i've now read this thru & my anticipation is just getting stronger - for more - pretty please... i've got two theory's as to what bren's throwing up & the pain is from, its either pregnancy or some form of illness or reaction to the medication or blood then the following operations she had after she was attacked in the bone room of the lab. i was surprised by your take on ange's conversation, but i'd like to see how you develop further talks b/w the two woman, as for daniel 'bar tender founding fathers' & booth coming to blows 'two alpha males posturing'...mite be a fun angle to take...please, please continue...
Caroline, Melbourne, Australia.
thedarkangel1990 chapter 5 . 5/4/2013
Love this so far! Please continue!
Guest chapter 5 . 5/4/2013
Great story!
SylvieT chapter 5 . 5/2/2013
Please, write on. This is very good and I need to know how they do indeed bridge the gap, if they ever.
hjpstarwars chapter 5 . 5/1/2013
I am hooked please continue I have to know what happens
alexindigo chapter 5 . 5/1/2013
Hmm...intriguing. IS she pregnant? What is going on with Booth and Brennan? What of her pain? A conversation/confrontation is long overdue and as much as I agree with your assessments of how everyone has been judgmental towards Brennan and Daniel's comments to her about not buying into the picture that the people around her have painted of her I do feel that the Brennan I know and love would not knowingly keep something from Booth especially when it concerns the life they have built together.

I agree so much that the writers failed at retconning Brennan's personality into just the one incident of her parents' disappearance. She has it right that it's the sum of her experiences that make up who she is (and oh how I would love it if the show explored her past as a foster child and globe trotting anthropologist). It just seems slightly OOC for her to be confiding in a stranger. I would accept this premise if it had been anyone but Brennan who I think has only ever truly opened up to Angela and Booth and that too, after years of building and fostering trust. Also, her continued absence from home, from Christine is another thing I think Brennan wouldn't do considering how much she prioritizes her role as a mother. Nevertheless, I'm enjoying this story and am looking forward to seeing how things will be dealt with and resolved.

Personally, I like Daniel. He sounds likeable and no, I don't think him a threat simply because I know Brennan. Now if this was Booth and another woman? I'd be the first to punch him in the nads for betraying her. But Brennan? She's the only character on the show (besides maybe Hodgins) who has integrity and has been consistently honest through the years. That is why I'm wondering where this is going and how and when she'll broach the topic with Booth, hopefully in a way that does not compromise her principles.

Thank you for sharing! :)
alexindigo chapter 3 . 5/1/2013
"a statement, an accusation" OMG Yes! Yes! Yes! I dislike the condescension dripping from Angela whenever she's patronizing to Brennan. Hit the nail on the head there. B&B and their special brand of communication needs to improve, meaning they would actually need to communicate soon. Thank you for sharing. :)
alexindigo chapter 1 . 5/1/2013
Just discovered this story and must say that everything you've identified with the way Booth and the rest treat Brennan is SPOT ON! I'm looking forward to reading more. Shall review again later. Thank you for sharing! :)
SchwuppDiDupsi chapter 5 . 4/30/2013
hm, lokking forward to more. hope bb will get through this
BnB447 chapter 5 . 4/30/2013
Oh can't wait for more :) I wonder if Angela will tell Booth about what she saw...
arrowheadflyby chapter 4 . 3/26/2013
It's a very good fic! In fact, more so then that. The way you write it is just perfect. I don't even know how to describe it. It's just...It actually physically hurts to read, but in a good way! I can feel Brennan's pain and numbness. It literally aches in my chest. It's great! Keep on updating!
colourless-aura chapter 4 . 3/23/2013
I really like this fic. Please update soon, because I hate when things aren't right with B&B. Please, make everything be fine between them. LOL
BnB447 chapter 4 . 3/14/2013
Oh the angst! Loving this. More soon please
Jane chapter 4 . 3/11/2013
I resisted reading earlier, hoping to let you get a little ahead. Now I am totally hanging on you every word and anxious for updates. This is so well written - I don't know why, but the word haunting comes to mind. Thank you!
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